Flood Joins “Hate Has No Consequences” Press Conference in Effort to Combat Hate Crimes

Assemblyman Ed Flood (R,C-Port Jefferson) attended a press conference alongside members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to announce new proposals aimed to combat antisemitism on college campuses throughout the state. The elected officials previously hosted a press conference to demand tuition assistance awards are not given to students who knowingly engage in antisemitic activities in order to stop the protests and bring order back to college campuses. Today, another proposal has been introduced to prohibit deceptive mask-wearing during protests, rallies and other public assemblies. They encourage peaceful protests without causing harm or inciting violence on others. The officials also proposed defunding higher-learning institutions that permit pro-terrorist groups or activities on campuses as an approach to end violence and antisemitism.

“The acts of violence occurring on campuses throughout our state and nation are utterly repulsive and have gone on for entirely too long,” said Flood. “How long can these protests and acts of violence continue on the most elite college campuses in the nation while college presidents and elected officials turn their backs? I applaud my colleagues for their dedication to the matter and for bringing forth these proposals. We must act and we must do what is right. Together, we stand with Jewish students and cannot condone such horrific violence. It must end here.”