- I am partnering with Mount Sinai Health System to provide mammogram screenings at my office Tues, Aug. 15. Please call/email us at the contact info below to schedule a screening for you or your loved ones. Mammograms can save lives by protecting women from dying of breast cancer.
- On August 3rd, my office is partnering with New York Legal Assistance Group to bring free legal services to the neighborhood. Stop by my office to speak with lawyers on a range of matters from housing to public benefits to domestic violence to identity theft to debt management.
- I am teaming up with NYC Department of Environmental Protection to give away free rain barrels! The giveaway is at Forest Park Bandshell Parking Lot Sunday, August 6 at 10:00 AM. Drive up in your car to get a barrel! RSVP: 718-805-0950 or rajkumarj@nyassembly.gov
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