DeStefano Stands in Support of Fixing The Early Intervention Online Hub

Today, Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C-Medford) joined fellow Assemblymembers at a press conference to address the need to improve the state’s Early Intervention (EI) Hub. This online service, launched on October 15, is imperative to managing services for children with disabilities. DeStefano was one of many Assemblymembers, local advocates, and service providers who stressed the urgent need to fix the issues with this system.

Across New York, children with disabilities are facing challenges in accessing the support they need. Although the system was developed to enhance service delivery, its implementation has led to significant issues instead. Children are not being matched up with the services and support they need in a timely manner, and providers are not being paid. This issue cannot be prolonged and action needs to be taken now.

DeStefano said, “The EI-Hub system has struggled with reliability, creating barriers for children with disabilities in New York to access critical services. Designed to improve efficiency, the system’s flaws have instead caused significant challenges. Children are being left on hold for months, providers aren't being paid, and precious data is being lost. It is urgent that these issues are resolved to ensure no child is left without the support they require. A full inspection of this system by the Department of Health needs to be enacted to ensure its efficiency and reliability.”