Destefano Joins Call For $150,000 For American Legion
This week, Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C,I,Ref-Medford) joined members of the Assembly Minority Conference in signing a letter to the governor requesting $150,000 be allocated to the American Legion Boys State program in the upcoming final state budget. American Legion Boys State is a week-long program that provides an opportunity for high school seniors to gain leadership training and citizenship skills through government operations, exercises, physical fitness, teamwork and other activities. It is guided by American Legion counselors and active duty Marines. For the last five years, funding for the American Legion Boys State program has always been a legislative add to the final budget.
For the last five years, the American Legion has received $150,000 and it is imperative that we continue to provide funding to this historic and educational program, said DeStefano. The American Legion has been an organization that has made tremendous strides to strengthen our communities, honor our veterans, and mentor our youth. In celebration of the American Legions 100th anniversary, I urge the governor to include this funding in this years budget.