Jacobson Calls for Funding of Extreme Weather Paving, Aim and Early Voting in State Budget

Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson (D-Newburgh) has called for the restoration of funding of the Extreme Weather Paving Program and Aid Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) as well as funding for early voting in the State budget.

The Governor did not fund these programs in his proposed budget and failed to add it in his amendments to the budget filed on Thursday. 

“All municipalities rely on State funding to repair their roads.  This year’s extreme weather swings will cause additional potholes and watermain breaks which will require additional paving,” said Jacobson. 

Jacobson said he expressed his displeasure with the budget cuts to the Department of Transportation Commissioner at a Joint Legislative Budget Hearing of the Transportation Committees on February 6.  Jacobson also called for the restoration of the AIM funding and money for early voting at the Local Governments Joint Legislative Budget Hearing last Monday.  Jacobson is a member of both the Transportation and Local Governments committees.

Jacobson pushed for the restoration of AIM funding which was eliminated for 90% of the towns in the State and all three Towns in the 104th Assembly District: Newburgh, Marlborough and Lloyd.

“While these cuts seem small, they mail up about .35% of the Town’s budget.  Towns are under pressure to control taxes and keep under the 2% tax cap so even these seemingly small cuts significantly impact a Town’s budget,” said Jacobson.

“In order to do early voting right and in the most efficient manner, the State must fund the electronic pollbooks,” said Jacobson.  Early voting was passed and became law last month.

Jacobson said since the Governor failed to add the funding to the budget, it is now up to the Legislature to fund these vital measures.  The Legislature is required to pass a State budget by April 1st. Â