Simpson: State Budget Neglects Nursing Homes

A Statement from Assemblyman Matt Simpson (R,C-Horicon)

“Nursing homes are being grossly short-changed in this year's state budget, keeping facilities like the Elderwood Nursing Home at a perpetual risk of failing. The funding provided in this budget falls well short of what isneeded for care providers who rely on it. Furthermore, the Human Services Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rates is also short of inflationary rates, which is troubling given mental health and substance abuse have never been a greater threat to the state. The decision to upend the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program which is vital to our most vulnerable populations reliant on critical home care is also deeply troubling. I am afraid moving to a single out-of-state fiscal intermediary will carry negative consequences. This budget neglects crucial health care needs, endangering the welfare of our most vulnerable citizens,” said Simpson.