Simpson Advocates for Rural Equity

Assemblyman Matt Simpson (R,C-Lake George) joined his fellow Minority lawmakers on Wednesday for a press conference addressing rural equity in a state that is increasingly city-centric. The proposals include establishing the “Rural Mobile Communications Fund” to improve cellular service in low- to no-coverage areas (A.8134), establishing the “Rural Equity Assistance Program” to promote community growth and development (A.8136), improving support for first responders in rural areas (A.9353) and enacting the “Rural Energy Freedom Act” (A.9743), which excludes wood burning for the means of heating buildings and cooking from any restrictions enacted by the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

“There is not a week that goes by when I don’t have constituents reaching out to my office about the rising costs of living in this state. The most frustrating of them are the costs to heat or cool their home,” said Simpson.

“Everyone I speak with feels we should work to become better stewards of our environment, but unfortunately, it seems residents throughout rural parts of New York state are the ones unfairly burdened by the policies being enacted to do so. From EV bus mandates that our schools can’t meet to the call for predatory solar projects that get special siting treatment in the Adirondack Park, our residents feel the brunt of unintended consequences from Albany’s green mandates. Banning wood-burning heat sources upstate is another mandate that can be dismissed as laughable, but until its protection is guaranteed, our residents will always be vulnerable to an Albany politician snuffing out their wood-fired stove. For this reason, I am happy to co-sponsor legislation with Assemblyman Smullen that protects burning wood for home heating under state law,” Simpson concluded.