Norris Calls for Repeal of Green Light Law

Assemblyman Mike Norris (R,C-Lockport) led members of the Assembly Minority Conference in calling for the full Assembly to vote on legislation that will repeal the Green Light Law, which provides for driver’s licenses and other state-issued identification to persons who are in the U.S. illegally (A.5395). Norris is a sponsor of the repealing bill and led the debate as the ranking member of the Assembly Transportation Committee.

“While we await any progress on this year’s state budget, New York taxpayers are struggling to afford basic essentials because of Albany’s ‘tax-and-spend’ addiction—and our state’s leaders are considering adding to their burden by spending billions on people who entered our country illegally,” said Norris. “New Yorkers cannot afford to pay for illegal entries, and it’s time for this state to prioritize hardworking, law-abiding people instead of creating more incentives for law-breakers and criminal behavior.”

Through a legislative process calling for the bill to be moved out of committee to come to the chamber for a full vote, the vote was requested during the Assembly Transportation Committee meeting held on Tuesday, April 9. Norris debated the Assembly Committee Chair who denied the request and led the Majority in a party-line vote against the bill.

Undeterred, Norris said he and his colleagues will continue working to make New York state more affordable and safer—especially as one-party control in Albany continues prioritizing criminals and those who cross our nation’s borders illegally.