Support Assemblyman Mike Norris’ Smart, Common-Sense Border Safety Solutions Plan

The United States has a long history of accepting immigrants who have sought a better life in our nation. Sadly, recent federal immigration policy has resulted in an overflow of these individuals into our country[i], creating a humanitarian crisis and failing American citizens[ii] at the same time. Here in New York, the surge of more than 185,000 people2[iii] who have come here illegally cost taxpayers more than $1.9 billion in state spending in the 2023-24 Budget and another $2.4 billion (State Budgets 2023-24, 2024-25) in spending this year.

Enough is enough. Mike Norris has a smart, common-sense plan:

  • Revoke New York’s “Sanctuary State” status.
  • Repeal the Green Light Law, which allows anyone in New York State aged 16 or older to obtain a state-issued driver’s license or learner permit regardless of citizenship or lawful status in the United States (A.5395).
  • Restore and improve communication between federal immigration officials (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and local law enforcement (A.8033, A.9167).
  • Protect local communities from “Right to Shelter” laws by clarifying those localities without such a law or ordinance shall not be required to shelter undocumented immigrants (A.8034).
  • Safeguard our schools, day cares and community organizations open to minors from becoming shelters for migrants (A.8013).
  • Require proper health and safety background checks for all migrants (A.7319-A).
  • Stop wasteful spending on these individuals who have not been vetted. For example, taxpayer funds should not be spent on free hotel rooms[iv], cell phones, or free college tuition[v].

Join Assemblyman Mike Norris’ efforts to increase our state’s border security by scanning the QR code here to sign his petition calling for action on these smart, common-sense solutions.





[v]; DREAM Act, Chapter 26 of the Laws of New York State 2019