Assembly Passes Solages Bill to Include Labor and School Districts in Industrial Development Agencies

Industrial development agencies (IDAs) grant incentives for businesses to invest in communities
Decisions by IDAs impact workers and school districts, warranting their representation
Requiring a representative from labor and one from a school district will ensure actions benefit the whole community

Albany, NY – Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages’ bill requiring industrial development agencies (IDAs) to include at least one representative from a labor organization and one representative from a local school district (A7532B) has passed the New York State Assembly. Industrial development agencies are tasked with granting incentives to businesses and projects to promote economic growth and job creation. The decisions made by IDAs have implications for school district finances and workers who have a stake in the projects being helped by IDA incentives.

IDAs can take a number of actions to promote job creation and growth in communities across the state. They have the power to introduce tax abatements and PILOT programs which have long-term impacts on the tax base in local communities and the opportunities offered to workers who partake in these projects. These tax impacts particularly affect school districts and their ability to meet their budget obligations. This legislation would include voices from labor and school districts in IDAs to bring valuable perspectives about the impacts of incentive packages during the decision-making process.

“Our industrial development agencies should be working to benefit all members of our communities,” said Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages. “Bringing in the voices of organized labor and school districts will improve how incentives are developed to fit the needs of the entire community. Workers and school districts should not be left behind on these decisions that directly impact them. We should be championing an inclusive approach to promoting job creation and business vitality across our state.”