Keeping You Informed

Assemblymember Phil Steck’s May Newsletter

Assemblymember Phil Steck's 2022 Blood Drive

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Make your voice heard about the 2022 state budget

Assemblymember Phil Steck secures funding for Schenectady County communities

Assemblymember Phil Steck is delivering real results for Colonie families

Helpful resources for older New Yorkers

Letter in Regards to the Stock Transfer Tax

Dear Colleague: There are many myths that surround the Stock Transfer Tax (STT). The fears usually cited in efforts to prevent reinstatement of the tax are unjustified. Economists from both academia and the private sector have urged New York to collect...

Assemblymember Steck is Making It Easier for New Yorkers to Cast Their Ballots

Assemblymember Steck is making it easier for New Yorkers to cast their ballots

Assemblymember Steck wants you to know about changes to STAR

Assemblymember Phil Steck wants to hear your thoughts on climate change

Volunteer firefighters go above and beyond to protect our community

Assemblymember Phil Steck Is Working Hard For Us

Assemblymember Steck is Fighting For Real Ethics Reform

Assemblymember Steck wants to hear from you!

Paid Family Leave starts Jan. 1

Assemblymember Phil Steck is fighting for you

Assemblymember Steck is taking action to fight the heroin epidemic

Assemblymember Phil Steck is working to make our Niskayuna community safer

Assemblymember Phil Steck is working to make our Colonie community safer