Carroll/Hoylman-Sigal Bill, the “Dyslexia Diagnosis Access Act”, Passes the Senate

Having passed the Assembly in January, the bill, which requires health insurance plans to pay for neuropsychological exams to diagnose dyslexia will now go to the Governor for approval

Albany, NY – Assemblymember Robert Carroll (D/WF-Brooklyn) and Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal (D/WF-Manhattan) today announced that their bill the “Dyslexia Diagnosis Access Act” (A.2898/S.5481) passed the New York State Senate. The bill previously passed the Assembly in January, so will now go on to the Governor for her approval. 

This legislation will require that private health insurance policies pay for neuropsychological exams for the purpose of diagnosing dyslexia. New York would be the first state in the nation to mandate this type of coverage. Most medical insurance companies do not reimburse for this, and schools typically only offer limited assessments. Neuropsychological exams are often administered over the course of two days and currently may cost more than six thousand dollars making them unaffordable to many families.

Assemblymember Robert Carroll said, “This first in the nation mandate for private health insurance policies to cover neuropsychological exams for the purpose of diagnosing dyslexia will change the lives of children with dyslexia and their families. These vital and necessary exams are extremely costly and this bill will alleviate that financial hurdle for thousands of families in New York. As a person whose family had the means to pay for me to have a neuropsychological exam when I was six years old to diagnose my own dyslexia, I am overjoyed that now more New Yorkers will be afforded the opportunity that I had. I am grateful for Senator Hoylman-Sigal’s steadfast leadership and advocacy in the Senate to make sure this bill passed this session and look forward to the Governor signing the bill."

Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal said, “I’m incredibly proud that both the Senate and Assembly have passed our bill to require private health insurers to cover neuropsychological exams to help diagnose dyslexia, a first in the nation policy. My husband and I know from personal experience the barriers presented by the high cost of neuropsychological exams, which can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. Our bill will make a significant difference for thousands of families across New York State who will now be better able to meet the needs of their children without breaking the bank. I’m grateful to Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins for her leadership and my legislative partner Assemblymember Carroll for getting this bill passed in his chamber. On behalf of my 13-year-old daughter Silvia (who graduates next week from the Windward School), I’m looking forward to the Governor signing it into law.”

“The “Dyslexia Diagnosis Access Act” will be a game changer at leveling the playing field and will allow many more children access to get the educational tools they need to learn and put them on the path to success,” said Ted Kamoutsis, Executive Director of the Promise Project, which provides neuropsychological evaluations and teacher training in marginalized and underserved communities in New York City. 

Studies indicate that as many as one in five children may have dyslexia or another phonemic awareness issue. As well as hampering students’ educational achievement, untreated dyslexia and other learning disorders increase the risk of anxiety, depression, suicide, drug use, and incarceration; this leads to increased healthcare costs as well as substantial costs to society. Educational research has unequivocally demonstrated that early identification of dyslexia, coupled with intervention and multisensory sequential phonics instruction drastically improves educational outcomes limiting the harm caused by dyslexia.