Smullen Appointed to the Higher Education Budget Committee for The Assembly Minority Conference
March 13, 2025
Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) has been appointed to the Higher Education Budget Committee for the Assembly Minority Conference by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) for the 2025-26 fiscal year.
“As ranking Minority member of the Higher Education Committee, I am very proud to serve on this budget committee to address the needs of students, teachers and leaders in New York state’s higher education system,” said Smullen. “Special thanks to Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay for entrusting me with this position.
“Institutions of higher learning require resources and funding from the state to provide the best educational opportunities possible for our students. The 2025-26 Enacted Budget must include the funding necessary to put money back in the pockets of New York taxpayers and adequately invest in our children’s futures. In the weeks ahead of us, I am eager to work alongside my colleagues here in Albany to build a budget we can be proud of that accomplishes these two goals.”