Assemblyman Colton Pleased that Bill A4844 He Sponsored has Passed the Assembly

Assemblyman Colton (D – Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights) is happy to announce that his Bill # A-4844 has passed the assembly, delivered to the Senate and referred to Environmental Conservation on January 23, 2020.

“I had introduced and sponsored Bill A4844 which requires local solid waste management plans for cities over one million to include a plan for litter control including provision for placement of an adequate number of receptacles for trash and recyclables in commercial and business zones and in public recreational areas. I decided to sponsor this bill to ensure that garbage is properly disposed, and littering is kept to a minimum. It is very important that an adequate number of trash containers are in both business areas and in public areas,” Colton stated.

“In the cities like New York, where there is a large population of tourists, businesses and commercial properties it is a necessity to have enough trash containers so everyone would consider putting litter into the trash container rather then drop it on the ground. We need to keep our city environmentally clean to avoid spreading different kind of illnesses and diseases,” Colton said.

“We need more trash containers on commercial streets like 86 Street, 18th Avenue, Kings Highway, Avenue U, and Bay Parkway in Brooklyn, to keep our streets clean,” Colton added.