invites you to nominate

FOR 2010

Dave McDonough

Dear Neighbor:
Over the years, I have met countless outstanding women who work tirelessly to make a difference in our communities, yet, all too often, their exceptional acts go unnoticed. That is why I am hosting a Women of Distinction event to honor women who go above and beyond to make our communities better places to live, work and raise a family.
To nominate a woman, please submit the enclosed form on or before Friday, July 30. My selection committee will review all nominations of notable women in the fields of business, community and civic affairs, education, government, health care, humanitarian and military services. Nominees must be residents of the 19th Assembly District. If you know a woman who deserves to be recognized, please complete the form and return it to my district office at 404 Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710.
I hope you will join me in thanking the outstanding women of our community at my 2010 Women of Distinction award ceremony on Saturday, August 21 from 10 am to 12 pm at the Merrick Public Library located at 2279 Merrick Avenue in Merrick. Their tireless work and unwavering commitment have not gone unnoticed and I encourage you to take this opportunity to nominate a woman who deserves this special distinction.
Dave McDonough, Assemblyman
19th District
Please return form to
Assemblyman Dave McDonough at 404 Bedford Avenue,
Bellmore, NY 11710.
Nominations must be submitted on or before Friday, July 30th!
For more information, please e-mail Assemblyman McDonough at