and Vision to Move Forward.
Dave McDonough is Fighting for Real Ethics Reform.
Assemblyman Dave McDonough is working to stem the tide of corruption in Albany. He wants to hold those who break the law and the public’s trust accountable. Assemblyman McDonough has a proven record of protecting New York taxpayers from waste, fraud, and abuse.
Supported a bill that would require public officers convicted of a felony related to the abuse of his or her office to forfeit their state pension (A.10581).
Supported the creation of the governmental waste and fraud reporting website, www.stopgovernmentwasteny.com
Sponsored a bill that would eliminate benefits for any elected official convicted of a felony (A.1057).
Plan for Albany:
Standing up Against Corruption.
Fighting to restore Government Integrity.

(516) 409-2070 • mcdonoughd1@assembly.state.ny.us