Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz
Assemblyman Cymbrowitz
Dear Neighbor,

Whether it’s dodging the H1N1 Flu or just avoiding the common cold, staying healthy is important. That’s why I have sponsored health screenings, talks and flu shots for the past nine years, in my community office. However, as we enter the cold and flu season there’s more we can all easily do to stay healthy. I have provided some “stay healthy” ideas on the reverse of this card.

There are no guarantees, but following the suggestions will greatly reduce your chances of succumbing to an illness.

With best wishes for good health.
signature Steven H. Cymbrowitz
Member of Assembly
image image DISTRICT OFFICE: 1800 Sheepshead Bay Road
Brooklyn, New York 11235
Fax: 718-368-4391
Stay Healthy
Steven Cymbrowitz
Wants You To Stay Healthy
These Tips Can Help
