Serving Seniors
Seniors are vital to our neighborhoods. They provide the values, tradition and hard work which have made our
neighborhood a good place to live and raise a family. Assemblyman Colton’s Community Office is available to
help seniors with a wide variety of issues.
Seniors can come to the office for assistance with the following programs as well as many more:
Senior Citizen Homeowner Exemption (SCHE)
Veterans Property Tax Exemption
Real Property Tax Credit (IT214)
Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE)
Heartshare & HEAP
Food Stamps
Access A Ride
Promoting Small Business
Assemblyman Colton recognized that small business is an important source of neighborhood jobs. Therefore
he works to help small businesses in all ways possible.
Recently the Assemblyman learned that a number of businesses on 20th Avenue and Bay Parkway were being
harassed and suffering from shoplifting by groups of youths. Even though the Assemblyman was in Albany, he
and his staff quickly went to work, contacting the 62nd Precinct. Officers from the 62nd precinct were dispatched
to the area to stop the harassment.
Colton has also organized a seminar with COJO of Flatbush for those interested in starting businesses in the area.
“Small businesses employ a substantial number of people in the community. These businesses are vital to our
neighborhood”, said Colton.
Assemblyman Colton pictured here with his staff, Charles Ragusa, Jeanette Givant, Paul Lipton, Michael
Andronico, Stephanie Wong, Ann Paciaffi, Svetlana Perelmuter and Mark Treyger. Not pictured here is Ginger Bivona.
Protecting the Health of the Community
Assemblyman Colton is constantly working to improve health care for all residents of our community.
Among his many achievements, Colton secured State funding for Coney Island Hospital to purchase
and equip a mobile medical van. This van has served numerous locations around the district, providing
care and information to residents. For the last two years the van has visited Colton’s Community Office to
provide flu shots.
Colton also supported and fought for passage of three historic programs to provide health and/or prescription
drug coverage for those needing it. These programs, Child Health Plus, which offers coverage for every child in
New York State, Family Health Plus, which provides coverage for low-income adults and families, and EPIC,
which provides prescription drug coverage for low to middle-income seniors, are a major step towards ensuring
that everyone can get the medical care they need. Information and help with applying for these programs is available
at Assemblyman Colton’s Community Office.