Michael Cusick

Helping to make Staten Island
a better place for our families

Assembly Update from...
Assemblyman Michael Cusick

Dear Neighbor:

My first year in the Assembly was marked with many accomplishments. What makes these successes special is the fact that each one helped make Staten Island a better place to live and raise a family – but this is just the beginning. I look forward to working with you in the upcoming years to make Staten Island the best home it can be for our families.

Representing 121,000 Staten Islanders in the Assembly is an honor and a privilege. I look forward to returning to Albany to continue working on the things that matter most to Staten Islanders.

1911 Richmond Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10314

Michael J. Cusick
Member of Assembly

Protecting the environment

Assemblyman Cusick supported legislation to help clean-up Staten Island and improve our quality of life by:

  • increasing fines for endangering wetlands (A.645)
  • requiring the Department of Environmental Conservation to publish a list of areas that are most affected by pollution and require state and local agencies to consider the negative impacts of any new projects in those communities (A.7862-A)
  • reducing harmful power plant emissions (A.5933)
  • cleaning up industrial waste sites known as brownfields – including the 15 Superfund sites on Staten Island (A.9120)

Preserving open spaces and stopping overdevelopment

Assemblyman Cusick worked for a budget that provided over $5 million for the protection of New York’s open spaces and nearly $5 million to help maintain New York’s Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. In addition, he sponsored legislation that:

  • creates a Mid-Island Bluebelt to temporarily halt construction near wetlands in South Beach and Midland Beach so the city can develop a natural stormwater runoff system using existing waterways (Ch. 84 of 2003)
  • provides property tax breaks to encourage rehabilitation rather than demolition of Staten Island homes 50 years or older (A.2568)
  • cracks down on unlawful tree-cutting (A.3969)

Working for Staten Island commuters

Assemblyman Cusick fought to ensure Staten Island receives its fair share of transportation funding by providing:

  • $4.7 million for the Staten Island Ferry – keeping four ferries in service
  • $2 million for Manhattan-bound express buses
  • $146 million for operating expenses on MTA surface transit, including the Staten Island Railroad

Restoring vital funding for IBR

The governor’s budget plan would have eliminated the Institute for Basic Research by July 1 – effectively killing over 300 jobs.

The bipartisan budget passed by the Senate and Assembly restored $11.8 million in funding to IBR – saving the jobs of over 300 professionals who provide crucial medical, behavioral and research services to over 2,000 families each year. Now IBR will be able to build on its 30 year record of providing world-class research, education, and services – giving hope to people with developmental disabilities.

Investing in education

Assemblyman Cusick fought for a budget that restored $360 million to New York City schools, universal pre-kindergarten and full-day kindergarten – both of which are cited by experts as critical in a student’s development. The Legislature’s budget will also save class size reduction initiatives and after-school programs, giving 45,000 New York City school children the opportunity for early success. This budget will also help save 1,900 New York City teaching jobs and prevent the elimination of programs.

Please join
Assemblyman Cusick
for a Town Hall Meeting

Let your voice be heard on issues important to
Staten Island Families

December 8, 2003 • 7:30 p.m.
The College of Staten Island
Center for the Arts Building
Recital Hall
2800 Victory Boulevard, Willowbrook

Assemblyman Michael Cusick
1911 Richmond Ave • Staten Island, NY 10314 • 718.370.1384
