Important Phone Numbers

New York City
Agencies: 311
Deaf Emergency TTY: 800-662-1220
Emergency: 911
Fire/Police Non-Emergencies: 311

20th Precinct: 212-580-6411
24th Precinct: 212-678-1811

Community Boards
Community Board 4: 212-736-4536
Community Board 7: 212-603-3080

Health Services
AIDS Service Center: 212-645-0875
Alcoholics Anonymous: 212-647-1680
American Cancer Society:
American Heart Association:
DEP/Asbestos Enforcement:
Lead Poisoning Hotline: 212-226-5323
Poison Control Center: 212-764-7667

Violence Prevention Services
Child Abuse Reporting Service:

Civilian Complaint Review Board:
Rape Hotline: 212-267-7273
Safe Horizon Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-621-4673
Suicide Prevention: 212-673-3000

Other Numbers
Board of Elections (VOTE/NYC):
Con Edison (Gas and Electric Emergencies): 212-683-8830
Vital Records: 212-788-4556
