High home-heating costs are a real burden on households trying to make ends meet, especially in these tough economic times. Onondaga County winters are long and harsh, so any step we can take to reduce our monthly energy bills will go a long way.
Weatherization and energy-efficiency measures are the simplest, fastest and most effective way to cut costs, lower energy consumption and reduce the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
You can learn more at www.HeatSmartNY.org or by calling 1-877-NYSMART. If I can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
Bill Magnarelli
Member of Assembly
Funds available for energy-efficient improvements:
Approved homes will receive an energy audit conducted by a trained specialist to see what
efficiency measures can be made. Following the audit, up to $4,500 worth of energy-efficient
improvements can be made to the home, resulting in significant energy savings—averaging in
excess of 20 percent. Priority is given to senior citizens, families with children and those with
disabilities. For more information, visit www.dhcr.state.ny.us/Programs/WeatherizationAssistance
or call 1-866-ASK-DHCR.
Apply now for home-heating assistance:
HEAP assists lower-income individuals and families with heating costs in the winter. HEAP
currently provides grants of up to $900 depending on income, the primary fuel source—such as
oil, gas, propane or kerosene—and the number of household members who are under the age of
6 or age 60 and older, and those who are permanently disabled. Both renters and homeowners
are eligible for assistance. Download the HEAP assistance application at www.otda.state.ny.us
or call 1-800-342-3009. You can also contact the following offices: