Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,I,C-Canandaigua) is pictured (center) welcoming guests during today's celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Special Olympics New York. Kolb, who hosted the ceremony held in the "Well" of the Legislative Office Building in Albany, welcomed the Special Olympics New York athletes and their families to kick-off a day long, bi-partisan recognition of the athletes' impressive personal and sporting achievements.
Pictured standing behind Kolb, from left to right, are Assembly Majority Leader Ron Canestrari (D-Cohoes); Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan); Assembly Committee on Mental Health Chairman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn); Ranking Minority Member on the Assembly Mental Health Committee Tom McKevitt (R,C,I-East Meadow); Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt (R,I,C-Greenwood Lake); Assemblyman Marc Molinaro (R,C,I-Red Hook); and Assemblyman Michael Montesano (R,I,C-Glen Head).
Also speaking at today's ceremony was State OMRDD Commissioner Diana Jones Ritter; Special Olympics New York President and CEO Neal Johnson; and Athlete Representative to the Special Olympics New York Board of Directors Kevin Brown.
Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,I,C-Canandaigua) is pictured congratulating Athlete Representative to the Special Olympics New York Board of Directors Kevin Brown after Kolb presented an official Assembly Resolution commemorating March 17, 2010 as "Special Olympics New York Day." Standing beside Brown is Neal Johnson, President and CEO of the New York Special Olympics.
Before offering the bi-partisan resolution on behalf of his Assembly colleagues, Kolb invited all the attending Special Olympics New York athletes up to the podium to join in the formal presentation.