2024 Joint Legislative Budget Hearing - Mental Hygiene
February 13, 2024
9:30 a.m.
Hearing Room B, Legislative Office Building, Albany


Dr. Ann Marie T. Sullivan, M.D.
Commissioner, New York State Office of Mental Health

Dr. Chinazo Cunningham
Commissioner, New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support

Kerri Neifeld
Commissioner, New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)

Denise Miranda
Executive Director, New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs

Courtney David
Executive Director, New York State Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors

Glenn Liebman
CEO, Mental Health Association in NYS, Inc. (MHANYS)

Matthew Shapiro
Senior Director, Government Affairs, National Alliance on Mental Illness-NYS

Mike Alvaro
President, New York Disability Advocates (NYDA)

Paige Pierce
CEO, Families Together in New York State (FTNYS)

Jennifer March
Executive Director, Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York (CCC)

Maria Cristalli
Board Chair, NYS Coalition for Children’s Behavioral Health

Ronald E. Richter

Toni Smith
New York State Director, Drug Policy Alliance

Allegra Schorr
President, Coalition of Medication-Assisted Treatment Providers and Advocates (COMPA)

Harvey Rosenthal
CEO, Alliance for Rights and Recovery

Drena Fagen
Director, Licensed Creative Arts Therapists

Michael Seereiter
President & CEO, New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation (NY Alliance)

Erik Geizer
The ARC New York

Sebrina Barrett
Executive Director, The Association for Community Living

Tom Harris
President, Times Square Alliance

Jim Karpe
Steering Committee Member, Coalition for Self-Direction Families

Written Testimony
Addiction Treatment Providers Association of NY

AHRC Nassau

Arc of Rensselaer County

Care Management Alliance of NY

Center for Elder Law & Justice

Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS

Child Mind Institute

Children's Defense Fund NY

Children's Health Home of Upstate NY

Coalition for the Homeless

Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies

Fountain House

Housing Works

Hudson Valley Clubhouse

InUnity Alliance

Legal Action Center

National Association of Social Workers NYS

Northern Rivers

NY Lawyers for the Public Interest

NYC Board of Education Employees

NYC Family Advocacy and Information Resource


NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

NYS Council of Veterans Organizations

NYS Public Employees Federation

NYS Public Health Association

Seat at the Table Campaign

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Center

UJA-Federation of NY

Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project