The Proposed Conversion of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York (HIP) to a for-profit entity |
To review the issues raised by the proposed conversion of HIP |
Assembly Hearing Room |
BACKGROUND In April 1943, NYC Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia announced the formation of the "Mayor’s Committee on Medical Care for the People of the City of New York." This blue-ribbon panel, made up of city officials, social workers, business and union leaders and health care professionals, was charged with "defining the responsibilities of local government and of private enterprise in making modern medical facilities available for persons of moderate income who cannot afford to pay for them." A year later, Mayor LaGuardia announced plans for a "new type of community health program," borrowing elements from several existing health care models, including garment workers’ and public housing clinics and forerunners of today’s Blue Cross Plans and GHI. The Mayor’s plan called for a private, non-profit corporation organized under the laws of New York State as a prepayment plan, which stressed disease prevention as well as acute care. In September 1944, the Mayor and prominent citizens filed the Certificate of Incorporation for the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York with the State Board of Social Welfare in Albany. Among the purposes of the new non-profit corporation were: "to establish a plan or plans under which subscribers and their families, in groups or as individuals, under agreements with the corporation may be provided with medical care and attention in any or all the branches through duly licensed physicians, as well as nursing and other auxiliary services, together with necessary appliances, drugs, medicines and supplies." State legislation adopted in 1945 permitting payroll deductions for health insurance paved the way for the City of New York to provide health care as a benefit for its employees. In 1946, Mayor William O’Dwyer announced the formation of a committee to study the relative benefits of existing health insurance plans, HIP, the United Medical Service (Blue Shield), Associated Hospital Service (Blue Cross) and Group Health Cooperative, Inc (GHI). HIP received its license from the state Insurance Department on March 1, 1947 and its first subscribers were the 2,643 members of the Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks and Assistants Local 89. Later in the year, the city’s Board of Estimate, following the recommendation of O’Dwyer’s committee, approved a contract with HIP for medical services and Associated Hospital Service for hospital coverage. The seed money for the HIP experiment came almost exclusively from foundations, including the New York Foundation, the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Over $400,000 in loans and grants from these charitable foundations sustained HIP until its premium base supported its operations. In 2001, HIP purchased Vytra Health Plans, a non-profit health plan which insures 200,000 people on Long Island, by buying out Vytra’s original investors, Univera Health Plan and Winthrop Hospital, for $62 million. In 2000, as Vytra was considering its own conversion plan, the Attorney General’s office rejected a plan that relied on the transfer of the stock in a new for-profit company to Winthrop and Univera. Instead, the Charities Bureau determined that the company’s assets were charitable assets that must remain dedicated to substantially similar purposes and protected for the benefit of the people of Long Island. This year, HIP purchased ConnectiCare, a for-profit HMO domiciled in Connecticut, for a reported $350 million. Chapter One of the Laws of 2002 authorized the conversion of a single, non-profit health plan, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, to a for-profit company. Under the terms of Chapter One, 95% of the value of the Empire charitable asset was to be transferred to a newly-created Public Asset Fund for distribution to the myriad health-related programs funded through the state’s Health Care Reform Act (HCRA), with the remaining 5% dedicated to a new healthcare foundation. Litigation brought by a coalition of consumer groups and Empire subscribers challenging the constitutionality of the legislation, however, has led to a court injunction on the distribution of the Empire proceeds, now estimated to exceed $3 billion in cash and stock in WellChoice, Empire’s successor entity. The NYS Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case on April 26, 2005. Governor Pataki proposed legislation as part of this year’s budget submission (A.1922, sections 46 through 49) to allow any non-profit health plan in the state to convert to a for-profit entity under the same terms and conditions contained in Chapter One, including the 95/5% distribution of the proceeds. The financial plan submitted by the governor with the FY05/06 budget assumes $400 million in HIP conversion proceeds for the HCRA pools, based on an estimate of approximately $1.5 billion as the value of the HIP charitable asset. The Governor’s proposal was not enacted as part of the budget, but language was included to suspend HCRA payments unless the value of the Empire charitable asset is transferred to Public Asset Fund through resolution of the litigation or some other means prior to July 1. Legislation approved last year by the state Assembly (A.4024/Grannis) has been reported favorably by the Assembly Insurance and Ways and Means committees and is currently on Third Reading on the Assembly Calendar. In addition to establishing standards and a framework for a review of the merits of conversion applications by the Attorney General, state Insurance Department and the courts, the bill would require that 100% of the charitable asset of a converting entity be irrevocably devoted to addressing the unmet healthcare needs of New Yorkers. A similar bill has been introduced in the state Senate (S.153/Seward). MATTERS WHICH WITNESSES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ADDRESS IN THEIR TESTIMONY
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Alexander B. Grannis, Chair
Richard N. Gottfried, Chair |
PUBLIC HEARING REPLY FORM Persons wishing to present testimony at the public hearing on May 5 are requested to complete this reply form as soon as possible and mail or fax it to:
Renee Skorupski, Legislative Associate |
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