Spring 2024
Helene E. Weinstein
A Special Report to Residents of the 41st Assembly District

Making a Difference in Brooklyn and Albany
Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein Gets Results
Dear Friend,

After serious consideration and almost 44 years of serving this amazing and diverse district, I have decided to retire at the end of this year. It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your New York State Assemblywoman.

I sincerely thank you for your confidence and for allowing me to represent you, your family, and our entire southern Brooklyn community in Albany. Every legislative victory and every budget item secured for our schools, parks, playgrounds, and senior centers was thanks to your support. That being said, my job isn’t over yet.

As Chair of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, I have been devoted to ensuring that the budget crafting process involves extensive consideration to the needs of New Yorkers, like you; many of whom reached out to me over the past few months with their concerns and suggestions. The resulting budget is truly sympathetic to the many needs of New Yorkers, state-wide, and more importantly, it’s a plan that makes strong investments where they are needed without raising taxes.

For more information on this year’s budget inclusions please visit: https://assembly.state.ny.us/Press/.

As always, you’re more than welcome to reach out to my office, and can do so by calling (718) 648-4700 or emailing me at weinsth@nyassembly.gov.

Also, I encourage all to follow me on twitter @heleneweinstein and contact my office to sign up for my free e-newsletter, both great ways to stay informed and up to date.

Keep safe and stay healthy!

Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein
is bringing a
Free Shredding Truck
to Our Neighborhood this June
Co-sponsored by
Councilwoman Farah Louis and Councilman Kalman Yeger
Contact us for date/time and to secure your spot today
by emailing weinsth@nyassembly.gov or calling (718) 648-4700
Shred your personal papers for FREE!
**No commercial or wet paper - Limit 2 boxes/bags per household**
Call for September Shred Date

Annual Major McCarthy Memorial
Assemblywoman Weinstein, Assemblymember Jaime Williams, State Senator Roxanne Persaud, NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger, and NYC Councilwoman Farah Louis joined Tom Hernandez, President of the Fraser Civic Association during the Annual Memorial at the Major Eugene T. McCarthy Triangle. Major McCarthy, a local resident, was tragically killed while fighting in the Gulf War. A new plaque was added this year to immortalize the sacrifice of Eugene’s brother, Dennis, an Immigration Officer and later a Special Agent for U.S. Customs Service who died in 2018 from a 9/11-related illness.
Woman of Distinction
During a local event, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein and NYC Councilmember Kalman Yeger congratulated former Community Board 18 member and Flatbush Flatlands Civic Group President, Sallie Bennett, on her inclusion as Woman of Distinction during a special Women’s History Month ceremony in Albany early this year.

Helene Weinstein’s Community Office
3520 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229 • (718) 648-4700 Monday – Thursday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Call or stop in if you have a problem or question.