This is primarily a professional development program with ample opportunity for participants to take advantage of the academic programming offered by the Intern Committee's Professors-In-Residence. Any credit offered for the experience is determined on a case by case basis by each student's degree granting institution.
A mandatory Orientation to the legislative process and state government is held at the start of the Internship in January. The Assembly Intern Committee's faculty advise and initiate a series of workshops and activities in the skills necessary for a professional career in a legislative or government related setting. In turn, Graduate Interns reinforce what they learn in these workshops and in their legislative offices to lead groups of Undergraduate Interns in fulfilling the Practicum component of the program where theory is integrated with practice and valuable experience in team work, leadership and effective communication is afforded to program participants.
Graduate Interns are also invited and encouraged to attend the structured lecturers, presentations and workshops offered by the Professors-in-Residence throughout the program. This programing is for all Interns; undergraduates and graduates alike.
Graduate Interns should not register for coursework beyond any credit which may be granted by their college for participation in the Internship without prior approval from the Assembly Intern Committee.