Press Releases

Hate Crime A Direct Attack On Our Community, Says Ra

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“As your Assemblyman in the 21st district, my job is to represent your views in the state Capitol. But there are some who want to force their twisted views on us. Our neighborhoods are ready to tell these merchants of hate that they will not succeed...

Ra Calls For Closer Look At Education Budget Proposals

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Assemblyman Edward Ra (21st Assembly District) recently joined a bipartisan panel of lawmakers for a budget hearing at the Capitol. As a member on the Education committee, Ra participated in an elementary- and secondary-education panel. The panel heard...

Ra Meets With Cuomo, Discusses Budget’s Impact On Community

Assemblyman Ed Ra (21st Assembly District) met this morning with Governor Andrew Cuomo to discuss some of the upcoming budget challenges in light of the economic hardships faced Upstate. Ra and his colleagues were invited to meet with Cuomo in order to...

Ra Visits Chaminade High School

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Assemblyman Ed Ra (21st Assembly District) on Thursday addressed students at Chaminade High School as part of a districtwide education initiative. Ra spoke to students about his time at Chaminade, the importance of higher education, and both the challenges...

Ra Reviewing Cuomo’s Budget

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Assemblyman Edward Ra (21st Assembly District) today began an in-depth review of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Budget. Ra analyzed the governor’s key proposed cuts and other recommendations in the 1,000-plus-page document which is seeking to close...