Press Releases

DiPietro Joins Colleagues in Presenting C.A.R.E.S Plan

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,-Eat Aurora) stood with his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference today as they released the findings of their statewide Task Force on Protecting the Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities. The findings...

Final Days Should Focus On Farm Families

With precious few days left in this year’s legislative session, we know the big issues I’ll be working on. Ethics reform, ending Common Core, lowering taxes and relaxing New York’s regulatory burden will be my top priorities, but in addition to...

DiPietro And Colleagues Urge Action On Heroin Legislation

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) joined several of his colleagues to urge the Assembly Majority to take immediate action on their legislative agenda to combat the growing heroin epidemic in our communities. Last year, the Assembly Minority...

DiPietro: Legislature Must Move On Pension Forfeiture

“The sentencing of Dean Skelos is another example of why lawmakers convicted of a felony must be stripped of their taxpayer-financed pensions. Skelos violated the public trust and contributed to the cloud of corruption continually above Albany and all...

NY’s Late Tax Freedom Day Tells Albany’s High-Tax Story

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is citing the Tax Foundation’s Tax Freedom Day study as further proof the state must reverse its anti-business climate. New Yorkers waited longer than residents of 47 other states to begin working for themselves....

The Assembly Majority Last Roadblock To Tackling Heroin Crisis

“While the rest of state government convenes panels and task forces to study the heroin epidemic and move legislation to effectively combat opioid addiction, the Assembly Majority stand pat. Our conference has prepared a legislative package based on...

Ethics Should Dominate Remainder Of Session

Despite the legislative leaders’ refusal to put ethics reform items in the state budget this year, I will continue to fight for the legislation throughout the remainder of session. As we watch United States Attorney for the Southern District, Preet...

DiPietro: An Agenda To Clean Up Albany

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is renewing his calls for increased ethics reform in a month when three legislative leaders will be sentenced for abusing their offices. “This week we witnessed the sentencing of Sheldon Silver and...

DiPietro Statement On Silver Sentencing

“The people of New York have finally gotten justice. For over two decades, Sheldon Silver used Albany to enrich himself, violate the public trust in our government, and subvert the will of the people. Now we must finish what U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara...

DiPietro Passes Along Hunting Bill To Expedite Passage

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is passing Assembly Bill 3937 to Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther to expedite the legislation’s passage. The bill would eliminate the need for hunters to wear back tags across the state. Back tags are currently...

DiPietro to Join Local SCOPE Chapters for Update on SAFE Act Lawsuit

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C- East Aurora) will be joining the Wyoming and Genesee County chapters of the Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) and Assemblyman Stephen M. Hawley to update concerned citizens on the progress of the lawsuits...

DiPietro: NY Ranks Dead Last In Economic Outlook Again

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is pointing to the recent American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Economic Outlook Ratings as proof the high-tax, high-regulation economic model in Albany has failed. “For the 7th Rating out of...

A Budget Of Missed Opportunities

I am once again leaving Albany upset not just at the contents of the state budget, but the secretive process in which it is crafted by three and sometimes four downstate leaders. Continuing the three-men-in-a-room budget process is a continuation of the...

DiPietro: Least Transparent Budget Ever (And That’s A High Bar)

“This is the least transparent budget process ever, and it comes on the heels of two legislative leaders being convicted of federal felonies for abuse of office. Albany is seemingly incapable of change. We have pork flying all around the state. Everything...

Dipietro: Budget A Reminder Majority Passed On Pension Forfeiture Last Year

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is the sponsor of legislation that would strip corrupt lawmakers of their taxpayer-financed pensions. A similar measure was set to pass the Legislature last year before the Assembly Majority pulled the agreed-upon...

DiPietro: Assembly Ethics Reforms Not Enough

“After waiting nearly a year for the Assembly Majority’s ethics reform proposals, the conference left much to be desired. Many of these reforms aren’t ethics related. There’s no term limits measure to prevent someone being Speaker for two decades...

Dipietro: Spending Out Of Control In Downstate-Dominated Budget

“Today’s budget showed just how out-of-touch New York City liberals are with the values of the rest of the state. Tuition for illegal immigrants, a $5.6 billion tax increase, and a 50 percent cut to agricultural assistance are just a few of the many,...

DiPietro Calls For More Infrastructure Spending

This week, Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) stood with representatives from both the State Assembly and Senate in favor of increasing funding for the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) by $250 million. “Western...

DiPietro Honored By National Conservative Group

In its first-ever rating of the New York State government, Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) was one of only five state legislators to receive the American Conservative Union’s (ACU) 2015 ACU Ratings Award. The award is bestowed upon legislators...

Taking On The Heroin Epidemic

New York, like many states, is now in the midst of a battle against heroin, the destructive opioid tearing at the fabric of our communities and destroying families. My colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority Conference created a task force on heroin...