Mikulin: Use of Force Policy & Reporting Won’t Protect New Yorkers or Police Officers

Assemblyman John Mikulin (R,C,Ref-Bethpage) is outraged by the inclusion of legislation (A.2005-C) to establish Use of Force Reporting and Use of Force Policy for police officers proposed by Assembly Majority and Gov. Cuomo. The legislation would require the chiefs of every police department, county sheriffs and State Police superintendents to report all incidents in which a police officer uses force. It would also require any agency that employees police officers to establish a use of force policy.

“Police Officers have one of the most difficult jobs in our nation,” said Mikulin. “This legislation not only adds to their already heavy workload by piling on the paperwork, it could also impact their performance by slowing reaction times. Yes, our officers need to think before they act but this will cause them to worry instead of trusting their instincts if they feel threatened. In those few seconds that an officer spends worrying, a person can do a lot of harm to themselves, the officer and those around them. This puts all New Yorkers at risk by hindering an officer’s ability to protect and serve their communities. I will not be supporting this legislation and will be fighting for the Assembly Majority and governor to pull it from the budget.”