Hevesi and Coalition Secure $3 Million in State Budget to Upgrade Polluting Freight Locomotive
For the second consecutive year, Assemblyman Hevesi secured an allocation in the state budget to upgrade an antiquated engine of a freight locomotive, owned and leased out by the Long Island Rail Road. Building on the success of last year’s pilot program, this year’s allocation will continue to move New York State in the direction of becoming one of the nation’s leaders in environmentally sustainable freight rail technology. The $3 million in funding will go towards refining the locomotive’s engine, fitting the train with components that meet the highest current US Environmental Protection Agency standards. The upgraded locomotives will significantly improve emission standards, reducing the train’s adverse environmental and community health impacts.
Hevesi Introduces Bill to Protect Vehicle Owners and Renters in Sharing Programs
Assemblyman Hevesi introduced legislation A.8007 which would assist in providing insurance coverage for vehicle owners and renters participating in a personal vehicle sharing program. Car sharing provides a unique opportunity to spur economic development and growth while reducing our carbon footprint. Peer-to-peer marketplaces like those created by car sharing programs add tremendous value to the transportation needs of a community. This legislation would amend the state Insurance law to protect both consumers and vehicle owners so that peer-to-peer car share companies can operate safely in New York State. The bill is currently in the Assembly Insurance committee for consideration.
NYC Department of Environmental Protection Makes $6 Million in New Grants Available to Local Groups and Residents
The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has opened its application period for community groups, non-profits, and property owners to apply for new funding that is available for green projects through the 2014 Green Infrastructure Program. All private property owners served by combined sewers in NYC are eligible to apply for a green infrastructure grant. Grant funding is provided for the design and construction of projects that will reduce or manage a minimum of one inch of storm water that falls on the properties. If selected, DEP will reimburse up to 100 percent of the design and construction costs for the green infrastructure project. For more information, please contact NYCDEP Public Affairs at (718) 595-6600. The spring deadline to apply is May 6, 2014.
North Shore-LIJ and US Drug Enforcement Agency Team Up in Local Event to Take Back Unwanted Prescription Drugs on April 26th
On April 26th from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., the North Shore-LIJ Health system in Forest Hills and the Drug Enforcement Agency will provide the public an opportunity to allow individuals to return unwanted, expired, and unused prescription drugs. Prescription drug misuse rates in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that prescription drugs that are illicitly mishandled often originate from a friend or family member’s medical cabinet. In five previous take back events, the DEA and its local affiliates took back over two million pounds of pills. For more information or questions regarding the program, please contact our office at (718) 263-5595.
Office Locations:
District Office: 70-50 Austin Street, Suite 110, Forest Hills, NY 11375 • 718-263-5595
Albany Office: Room 742 Legislative Office Building, Albany, NY 12248 • 518-455-4926
Email: hevesia@assembly.state.ny.us
District Office: 70-50 Austin Street, Suite 110, Forest Hills, NY 11375 • 718-263-5595
Albany Office: Room 742 Legislative Office Building, Albany, NY 12248 • 518-455-4926
Email: hevesia@assembly.state.ny.us