Assemblyman Molitor Joins Bipartisan Effort to Honor Victims and Promote Traffic Safety

In a powerful show of support for safer roads and stronger traffic safety awareness, Assemblyman Andrew Molitor (R,C-Westfield) stood alongside Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers today to push for the passage of Assembly Bill A.3938, the “Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law.”

The legislation, named in memory of Alexander John “AJ” Smullen, Assemblyman Smullen’s late son, seeks to establish a traffic safety memorial sign program that will allow families to publicly honor loved ones lost in fatal vehicle collisions. At the same time, the initiative serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless, impaired and distracted driving.

“No family should have to endure the unimaginable loss the Smullen family has faced, but we have the power to turn grief into action,” said Molitor. “This bill ensures those we’ve lost are not forgotten while also reinforcing the message that every driver has a responsibility to keep our roads safe.”