Statement on Broadband in New York

Broadband infrastructure is essential to growing an innovation-based economy and responding to natural disasters, among other things. New York State has made steady gains in terms of improving broadband availability and connectivity speeds. However, more needs to be done to improve affordability so more are connected. This will open new doors for individuals, businesses, healthcare providers and others.

The state received approximately $160 million for projects from the 2009 federal stimulus legislation. In addition, $2.5 million provided support for a statewide mapping project that shows the landscape of deployment in New York as part of an overall national effort.

The New York State broadband map ( indicates that as of June 29, 2011, more than 99 percent of all households in the state had access to broadband, although not all are connected.

Broadband speeds are also improving. New York ranks 5th among all states with 61 percent of all users reporting speeds higher than the FCC minimum of 4 Mbps (megabits per second).

New York also remains actively involved in federal efforts to build a public safety interoperable network. The recent flooding and damage sustained throughout the state after tropical storms Irene and Lee underscores the importance of this.