Thiele: Workers May Qualify for Federal Earned Income Tax Credit

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) wants to make life a little easier for workers by alerting them about a special tax credit that can put money in their pockets.

“Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax benefit for working people and their families and it allows more dollars to flow into our community. It’s money workers can use for groceries, rent, utilities and other bills,” said Assemblyman Fred Thiele. “We want workers who may qualify for EITC to have all the information they need to get the EITC and get it right.”

Join the millions who received the EITC. Last year, the credit returned over $65 billion dollars to over 27 million workers throughout the United States. 1.8 million New Yorkers claimed over $4 billion last year, averaging an EITC credit of $2,335. The amount of EITC varies by income, family size and your filing status. It can mean up to 496 dollars in EITC for people without a qualifying child, and up to $6,143 for those with three or more qualifying children.

If you qualify for EITC, you must file a tax return, even if you have no tax to pay, to claim the credit. You earned it, now file, claim it and get it.

With the exception of some who receive certain disability income, you must work for someone or run your own business or farm to qualify for EITC. Workers who made less than $52,427 should see if they qualify for EITC.

If you make less than $52,417, you can get free tax help and return preparation through volunteer sites. IRS-certified volunteers ask the needed questions to find out if you qualify for the EITC and other refundable credits. They also prepare and e-file (file electronically) your return at no cost to you. Find a location for free tax return preparation near you at

More information and assistance on the Earned Income Tax Credit can be found at