Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas Introduces Moped Drivers Education Bill

Moped accidents are on the rise in New York State, warranting new drivers’ education

Albany, New York – On Tuesday, Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas introduced a bill to amend the vehicle and traffic law to ensure moped users receive rules of the road education pamphlets (A10550). Moped accidents are on the rise and frequently riders are breaking rules of the road, not only endangering pedestrians, but also themselves. While precise annual figures can vary, a study conducted by the City of New York experienced more than 1,500 moped accidents in 2019. That number has exponentially increased since. Moped accidents are also on the rise outside of the city with more than 2,000 accidents reported across the state in 2020.

This bill will require that anyone who purchases, rents, or operates a moped is informed of the rules of the road and the consequences for breaking laws via a pamphlet to be distributed in various languages.

“With an increased number of phone calls to my district office and after a spirited town hall last week, this issue has to be addressed expeditiously. Too many people in my district and around the State are experiencing new levels of traffic danger with the increase of micromobility options. While it is an incredible sign of progress that residents are turning to more environmentally friendly options for transportation and deliveries, it is so important to ensure everyone is safe. Too many New Yorkers are unaware of the rules and differences between mopeds, e-bikes, and scooters. Increasing access to education is a proven method to reduce unsafe practices and a way to obtain buy-in from all community members. I’m proud of this bill and I urge my colleagues to pass it in the last days of the legislative session. Together we make our streets safer for everyone.”

As New York’s Open Streets are back in full swing for the season, this bill is incredibly timely and necessary to ensure increased safety measures are in place for the anticipated number of pedestrians, especially children, enjoying summer activities on the streets. This bill is anticipated to reduce the number of traffic incidents and increase general traffic safety this summer.