Unfunded Mandates Continue To Burden Taxpayers
A column from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River)
Unfunded mandates continue to place unnecessary pressure on our school district and town budgets, and anxiety on our state’s taxpayers. During this year’s Legislative Session, my colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority fought to put an end to this destructive cycle. Our conference proposed legislation which would put an immediate halt to the passage of any mandate which was not funded by the state. The Assembly Majority, however, refuses to acknowledge these proposals and has chosen to continue with its fiscally-destructive ways.
New Yorkers are tired of paying a premium in property tax rates but the Assembly Majority has left localities no other solutions than the taxpayer. Local governments must cover the increasing cost of unfunded mandates by turning to their residents and taxing them for inflated budgets. My colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority Conference will continue to call for a moratorium on these unfunded mandates or at least some form of relief to help schools and localities pay for these programs.
Assembly Bill 6093 was blocked by the Assembly Majority earlier this year. This legislation would implement a moratorium on unfunded mandates, immediately providing much-needed relief to localities across the state. The bill would halt unfunded mandates passed down to localities by the state and also establish regional mandate relief councils. These councils would review existing mandates and make recommendations or adjustments to the governor and Legislature regarding the burdensome programs currently placed on towns, cities and school districts.
We must hold the governor and his agencies responsible for the policies they implement. The residents of New York already pay more than their fair share, and to ask them for more each year is criminal. No more pet projects need to be forced upon the taxpayers of this state and it’s time the Assembly Majority starts treating New Yorkers as constituents and not piggybanks.
The Assembly Minority Conference will continue to introduce unfunded mandate relief legislation that is beneficial to all New Yorkers and hold those playing with our money accountable. I welcome your thoughts on unfunded mandates or any other legislative matter. Please contact me by emailing blankenbushk@assembly.state.ny.us or by calling my office at 315-493-3909.