Assemblywoman Buttenschon: New York State Assembly Passes Erin’s Law

The legislation will require all public facilities to carry lifesaving opioid antagonists such as naloxone/Narcan

Today, Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-C Marcy) announced that her legislation to require all public facilities to carry opioid antagonists has passed the New York State Assembly (A1588a). The legislation is named in honor of a young woman named Erin who tragically lost her life to an overdose.

“In November of 2019, a young woman named Erin tragically lost her life to an overdose after months of sobriety. Erin's overdose took place in a public space where lifesaving opioid antagonists were not available. Had they been available, Erin would be with us today," explained Assemblywoman Buttenschon. "After they lost their daughter, Erin's family has been dedicated to preventing more families from suffering the heartache they face every day. I am honored to sponsor this legislation that will save countless lives."

Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone/Narcan, have proven to be effective in reversing life-threatening opioid overdoses. According to the National Institute of Health, naloxone/Narcan can reverse between 75% to 99% of all overdoses[1]. Assemblywoman Buttenschon’s legislation would also require staff at public facilities to undergo training on how to administer opioid antagonists.

“This bill would not have passed today if it were not for the advocacy and resolve of Erin's mom to prevent others from losing a loved one. I commend them on this effort and want to thank my colleagues for standing with Erin's mother," said Buttenschon. "I encourage Governor Hochul to sign this lifesaving legislation into law."

To watch Assemblywoman Buttenschon’s remarks on the legislation, click here
