Walsh Opposes Farm Labor Bill

Today, the New York State Assembly passed the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act (A.8419), a bill that would allow farmers to unionize. Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) voted against the measure due to the devastating impacts it will have on the agricultural industry in New York state.

“The 112th Assembly District has a number of farming operations including dairy farms, orchards and horticulture. It is already extremely difficult to be involved in agriculture in our state. This bill will only make it harder,” said Walsh.

“In addition to the overbearing regulations put on our farms and small businesses, the Farmworkers Fair Labor Act will create further costs and strains on our farm owners. I predict that we will see farms across the state forced to close due to these increased labor costs. Farm work is a time-sensitive industry, often affected by weather, and farms will not be able to operate efficiently under these extreme regulations. Also, unlike other businesses, farmers cannot set the price of their milk. The agricultural industry is the number one industry in upstate New York. This bill is just another nail in upstate’s coffin.”