Walsh Responds To Alarming Study Results

Report finds that about 8% of the region's bridges are either structurally deficient or in poor condition.

“According to a recent report done by TRIP, a national non-profit transportation research group, nearly 70 bridges throughout the Capital Region and in the 112th Assembly District are either structurally deficient or in poor condition. This is simply unacceptable. I have seen budgets enacted with millions and billions of dollars allocated to costly pet projects and frivolous programs, when in reality we should be focusing on the fundamental needs of our state, and that includes our crumbling infrastructure. Clearly these findings demonstrate that need.

“Since my first legislative session I have stood beside my colleagues and hometown highway supervisors calling for additional funding to improve our local roads and bridges. After reading this report, I will be sure to keep fighting to ensure that our region’s infrastructure is not only able to support our economy and way of life, but also safe for the commuters who travel these roads and bridges daily,” said Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston).