
Keeping You Informed

2014 Veterans Bulletin

You're Invited to Recruit NY Weekend - April 26 and 27

You’re Invited to a Rally For Your Second Amendment Rights

Congratulations! You've Registered to Vote!

You’re invited to a community meeting with Assemblyman Phil Palmesano

Consumer Protection Alert

Senior Services Bulletin

2013 Veterans Bulletin

2013 Italian American Academic Scholarship Application

2013 Italian American Athletic Scholarship Application

Palmesano Preview Of Upcoming Budget Proposal

Governor Cuomo will soon present his Executive Budget for the 2013-14 Fiscal Year. From my perspective, his budget should address a number of important issues, a few of which I have outlined with detailed explanations. These are not new ideas, but in...

Consumer Protection Alert

Consumer Protection Alert

2012 Veterans Bulletin

Assemblyman Phil Palmesano Working for Seniors

Supporting The Southern Tier and Finger Lakes Regions’ Emergency Responders

A Friend of Sportsmen, Standing Up For Our Traditions

Assemblyman Palmesano’s District Office: Always Ready to Help

Remembering Our Veterans and Our American Freedoms

Bi-partisan Cooperation, Effective Governing Needed To Turn New York Around

Last week, Governor Cuomo delivered his inaugural State of the State Address, where he outlined his ideas and goals to move New York State forward in the right direction. While I was encouraged by some of his ideas, I believe we must wait to see more...