Palmesano March 'Grant Action News' Update

Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C-Corning) is sending his “March Grant Action News Update” to residents, organizations and local governments regarding a series of grants available from the state, federal government and private entities. Each month, the Assembly provides an updated list of grants for a variety of categories.

“During a time of economic recovery, grants can play an integral part in helping our local communities complete needed infrastructure repairs or support underfunded projects,” said Palmesano. “Many people don’t realize the scope of available opportunities because they aren’t sure where to look. The ‘Grants Action News’ bulletin makes finding these grants much easier by consolidating the information and making it available to everyone. I hope residents, organizations and local governments throughout the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions will be able to use this resource to find much-needed support to strengthen communities in our rural area.”

All not-for-profit applicants must now pre-qualify on the NYS Grants Reform website at in order to apply for certain New York state grant solicitations. Potential not-for-profit applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the process of registering and prequalifying immediately as this is a lengthy process.

The Grant Action News bulletin is updated at the beginning of each month with newly available grants and information on how to apply.

The update can be accessed here:

State Grants:

NYS Office of Mental Health, Home Based Crisis Intervention (HBCI) Mental Health and Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (MH/IDD)

This funding is available for procurement of pilot home-based crisis intervention (HBCI) teams. The teams will serve youth with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disorders throughout the state. Home-based community interventions support families in crisis. HBCI teams foster well-being and stability for the child/youth. Services are offered in the home, school, or community.

Eligible Applicants: Not-for-profit entities

Deadline: March 13, 2025, 2 PM

Total Funding Available: Approximately $3.6 million

Contact: Carol Swiderski

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

NYS Office of Victim Services (OVS), Victims of Violent Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance Grant Program

Funding is available to local community-based organizations and public agencies that provide services directly to crime victims. Direct assistance to crime victims includes crisis counseling, telephone and onsite information and referrals, criminal justice support and advocacy, shelter, therapy and additional assistance. Funds may also be used to develop new programs that address emerging needs, gaps in services and training of victim service advocates.

Eligible Applicants: Governmental entities, not-for-profit entities, tribal organizations

Deadline: March 19, 2025, 5 PM

Total Funding Available: $379.5 million

Contact: Kathleen Joslin

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

NYS Office Addiction Services & Supports (OASAS), Street Outreach

This funding is for organizations to provide services through mobile outreach to expand harm reduction education, support, resources and linkages. Providers will target individuals who actively use drugs and: are not engaged in harm reduction or treatment services, face chronic barriers to care, or live far from traditional brick-and-mortar harm reduction services. Street outreach teams build trust with individuals over time while providing services that reduce potentially negative consequences associated with substance use and link them to appropriate, sought out/or requested additional care. The ultimate objective of the initiative is to reduce drug related fatalities, transmission of infectious diseases (such as HIV/HCV) and expand access to care.

Eligible Applicants: Governmental entities, not-for-profit entities

Deadline: April 1, 2025, 4 PM

Total Funding Available: $31.9 million

Number of Awards Available: 22

Award Ceiling: $460,000

Contact: Linda Speno

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH), Children’s Community Residences (CCR) for Transition Age Youth  

This funding is available for CCRs which are eight bed, short term (4-6 months) home-like therapeutic programs for youth with serious emotional disturbance due to a mental health diagnosis. CCRs offer a rehabilitative treatment setting which provides 24/7 supervision, structure, care coordination, skill building and behavior support. The intent of a CCR is to assist youth in achieving optimal level of functioning so that they can successfully transition to less restrictive settings to continue their recovery journey.

Eligible Applicants: Not-for-profit entities

Deadline: April 3, 2025, 2 PM

Total Funding Available: $12.25 million

Number of Awards Available: 10

Award Ceiling: $250,000

Contact: Jeremy Rossello

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: ccr/index.html ccr/specialization_ccr_rfp.pdf

NYS Department of Transportation (DOT), Passenger and Freight Rail Assistance Program (PFRAP)

This funding is for rail and port capital projects through PFRAP. This program continues the state's commitment to modernizing railroads and ports.

Eligible Applicants: For-profit entities, governmental entities, not-for-profit entities

Deadline: April 7, 2025, 11:59 PM

Total Funding Available: $101.8 million

Award Ceiling: $10 million

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: passenger-rail/passenger-rail-repository/2024%20 PFRAP%20Application%20Guidelines.pdf

Federal Grants:

US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program

This funding will help to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act, by generating new knowledge, or developing methods, procedures and rehabilitation technologies that advance a wide range of health and function, community living and employment outcomes among people with disabilities, especially people with disabilities who have the greatest support needs.

Eligible Applicants: Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education; for-profit organizations other than small businesses; Native American tribal governments (federally recognized); nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; special district governments; small businesses; others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification); Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments); private institutions of higher education; city or township governments; county governments; state governments

Deadline: March 17, 2025, 11:59 PM

Opportunity Number: HHS-2025-ACL-NIDILRR-DPKT-0114

Estimated Total Program Funding: $1.2 million

Expected Number of Awards: 5

Award Ceiling: $250,000

Award Floor: $245,000

Contact: Linda Vo

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking Act (STOP Act) Grant Program

This funding will help prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth and young adults ages 12 to 20 in communities throughout the United States. Award recipients will be expected to implement activities that support capacity building such as implementing evidence-based community approaches, enhancing collaboration, cooperation and coordination among communities, federal, state and local and tribal governments, and convening town hall. With this program, SAMHSA aims to address the problem of underage drinking across the United States.

Eligible Applicants: Eligibility for this program is statutorily limited to domestic public and private nonprofit entities that are current or former Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program recipients.

Deadline: March 17, 2025

Opportunity Number: SP-25-001

Estimated Total Program Funding: $750,000

Expected Number of Awards: 13

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Minority Research Grant Program (MRGP)

This funding will help provide for support health equity research. The purpose of the program is to encourage innovative health services research that can directly and demonstrably contribute to improving health outcomes for people from all minority populations. This program also encourages research that focuses on reducing health disparities at the health care system-level. This research will increase interest in characterizing and analyzing the factors associated with health-related social needs.

Eligible Applicants: Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities

Deadline: April 1, 2025

Opportunity Number: CMS-1W1-25-001

Estimated Total Program Funding: $1.275 million

Expected Number of Awards: 6

Award Ceiling: $212,000

Contact Email:

Link to Additional Information:

National Science Foundation, Smart and Connected Communities

This funding will accelerate the creation of novel intelligent technologies and concepts through high-risk/high-reward research that addresses major challenges and issues faced by communities across the US. A “smart and connected community” is defined as a community that synergistically integrates intelligent technologies with the natural and built environments and with the functions of civic institutions and organizations. Proposals submitted to the program should be designed to advance one or more of the following community priorities: economic opportunity and growth; safety and security; human and environmental health and wellness; accessibility of critical services and resources; and the overall quality of life for those who live, work, learn, or travel within the community. To meet the goals of the program, researchers should work with community stakeholders to identify and define challenges the community faces, using that interaction and input to generate high-impact, use-inspired, basic research that advances science and engineering.

Eligible Applicants: Non-profit, non-academic organizations: independent museums, observatories, research laboratories, professional societies and similar organizations located in the U.S. that are directly associated with educational or research activities; institutions of higher education (IHEs): two-and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, acting on behalf of their faculty members.

Deadline: April 4, 2025

Opportunity Number: 25-527

Estimated Total Program Funding: $23.26 million

Expected Number of Awards: 40

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: key=nsf25527

US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Rural Communities Opioid Response Program, Northern Border Rural Workforce

This funding will help improve health care in rural areas within the Northern Border Regional Commission’s service area (Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont) by enhancing behavioral health workforce capacity.

Eligible Applicants: Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments); for profit organizations other than small businesses; public and state controlled institutions of higher education; city or township governments; independent school districts; private institutions of higher education; state governments; Native American tribal governments (federally recognized); others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification); nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; county governments; special district governments; nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; small businesses

Deadline: April 11, 2025

Opportunity Number: HRSA-25-011

Estimated Total Program Funding: $3.2 million

Expected Number of Awards: 8

Award Ceiling: $400,000

Contact: Caitlin Dunn

Contact Email:

Link to Additional Information:

Private Grants:

New York Life Foundation Aim High, Supporting Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs Serving Middle School Youth

These grants will support and bolster OST programs’ ability to help prepare middle school students in low-income and disadvantaged communities for success in high school and beyond.

Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations serving middle school youth, with at least 75% of those served from families with low incomes. Programs can only apply for one of these grants

Deadline: March 7, 2025, 5 PM

Expected Number of Awards: 15 one-year, $20,000 general operating grants will be awarded to programs that demonstrate successful student engagement strategies and have strong impact data. 15 two-year grants of $100,000 will be awarded to middle school programs to support efforts that help reduce school absences and chronic absenteeism, which has a strong impact on educational attainment.

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: AimHighRFP2025.pdf

Mellon Foundation, Community-Based Archives Grants

These grants are for general operating support for community-based archives in the United States and its territories. This funding may provide support in one or more of the following areas of need: operational costs, including staff, space and utilities; collections care, including the acquisition of new materials, physical and digital storage fees and access and preservation efforts; and programming activities, including events, exhibitions and increased community usage. Organizations must have an established and actively collecting archive that has been in operation for at least two years. This funding cannot be used to create a new archive.

Eligible Applicants: Must be located within the United States or one of its territories, have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status or be a federally recognized Indian tribe and have an archive or an archiving initiative with an annual operating budget of at least $12,500 and no more than $1 million

Deadline for Required Registration Request: March 12, 2025, 5 PM

Expected Number of Grants: 5-6

Award Amounts: Range from $25,000-$100,000 for two-year grants

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

American Council of Learned Societies, Leading Edge Fellowships

These fellowships place recent humanities PhDs with nonprofit organizations committed to promoting social justice in their communities. Fellows take on substantive roles that draw on the skills and capacities honed in the course of earning a humanities PhD, including advanced communication, research, project management and creative problem solving.

Eligible Applicants: Must have a PhD that will have been formally conferred by their university between September 1, 2020, and August 31, 2025. Applicants scheduled to graduate in spring or summer 2025 must be prepared to verify, with confirmation from their university registrar’s office, a PhD conferral date on or before August 31, 2025. Applicants must be authorized to work in the United States for the entire duration of the fellowship term. For the purpose of the spring 2025 competition of the Leading-Edge Fellowship competition, PhDs in any eligible field in the humanities or interpretive social sciences may apply. The humanities and related social sciences include but are not limited to American studies; anthropology; archaeology; art and architectural history; classics; economics; ethnic studies; film; gender studies; geography; history; languages and literatures; legal studies; linguistics; musicology; philosophy; political science; religious studies; rhetoric, communication and media studies; sociology; and theater, dance and performance studies. PhDs in interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary humanistic studies are welcome

Deadline: March 12, 2025, 9 PM

Fellowship Details: Fellowships include a stipend: for remote positions, $70,000 in year one, and $72,000 in year two; for in-person positions, $72,000 in year one, and $74,000 in year two. All fellows will have access to health insurance and professional development funding and up to $5,000 in relocation funds for fellows who relocate for in-person positions. The fellowship tenure is 24 months beginning in September 2025

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and the National Science Foundation (NSF), Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice Program (PACSP)

This funding supports projects conducting science with direct conservation applications to benefit species and ecosystems and is designed to engage deep collaboration between researchers advancing basic science and conservation partners conducting on-the-ground conservation. The program supports conservation research that investigates organismal biology, ecology and/or evolution and is designed to contribute to the development and implementation of evidence-based activities and/or technology solutions to advance biodiversity conservation.

Eligible Applicants: Organizations which include institutions of higher education and/or nonprofit, non-academic organizations and 501(c)(3) conservation partners

Deadline: March 17, 2025, 5 PM

Expected Number of Awards: 8-16

Estimated Funding Available: $16 million

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: applications-open-for-$16-million-in-funding-from

Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation, Grants to Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder

The Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation’s (BRPF) mission is to find a cure for paralysis through funding the latest in medical research and to provide assistance to those that suffer from spinal cord disorders.

Eligible Applicants Must: have a spinal cord injury or spinal cord related disorder

demonstrate financial need and may be required to provide documentation

be a resident of the United States

request specific modifications or equipment; requests for “anything you can give” will not be considered

Further Grant Information:: Partial payments toward larger items will not be considered unless all payments are already in place for the total amount. For example, if requesting $7,000 towards a $15,000 van conversion, you must have already obtained $8,000 to complete the transaction. Vehicles are not funded

Examples of eligible items include upgrade and maintenance of wheelchairs, vehicle modifications (i.e., hand controls or lifts) and small home modifications, including ramp and lift installation and other adaptive equipment. Applications and estimates for wheelchairs must be from a vendor local to the applicant. Internet quotes are not accepted

Grants are disbursed directly to suppliers of the desired equipment or modifications. Individuals making the grant application are required to submit estimates from potential suppliers

Deadline: Grants are awarded quarterly

Award Amounts: $2,500-$7,500

Contact Information:

Links to Additional Information: CharitableGrantApplication_2022.pdf

Scholar Awards:

America’s 911 Scholarship Foundation, College Scholarship Program for Children of Active First Responders

Scholarships are available for first responders or children of first responders.

Eligible Applicants: First responders; children of active first responders

Essay Requirements:

Interview a first responder in your community (non-family member)

Write a story about them

What led them to their career as a first responder

Describe their hardest/best experiences as a first responder

What do they hope for future generations in first responder career

Deadline: March 9, 2025

Number of Awards: 20

Award Amounts: $2,000

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: scholarship_main.php

Horatio Alger Association Career and Technical Education Scholarships

This funding is for need-based scholarships and services to promising young people who are persevering through adversity.

Eligible Applicants Must:

  • have completed high school (or equivalency) by July 1plan to attend a not-for-profit community college or trade/vocational school
  • enroll in an associate degree, certificate, or diploma program by September that will lead to employment
  • not be enrolled in pre-requisite courses
  • demonstrate financial need (applicants must show household income of $65,000 or less)
  • be under the age of 35
  • be a United States citizen

Online Application Opens: March 15, 2025

Deadline: Rolling

Number of Awards: 300

Award Amounts: $2,500

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information:

Black At Microsoft (BAM) Scholarships These scholarships are for Black and African American students to attend college and pursue a career in technology.

Eligible Applicants Must:

  • be a high school senior of African descent (for example, African American, African, Ethiopian, etc.)
  • plan to attend a four-year college or university in the U.S. in the fall immediately following high school graduation
  • plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or one of the following business programs – business administration, finance, or marketing at an accredited four-year college or university, in the United States, for the entire upcoming academic year
  • demonstrate a passion for technology
  • demonstrate leadership at school or in the community
  • have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent
  • require financial assistance to attend college

Deadline: March 13, 2025

Number of Awards & Award Amounts: Five awards of $5,000 and 50 awards of $2,500

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: bam-scholarship

Society of Women Engineers Emerging First Year Scholars

This funding provides assistance to those who identify as a woman and are studying community college, baccalaureate, or graduate programs in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and fields related to engineering.

Eligible Applicants Must:

  • identify as a woman
  • plan to study at an ABET-accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing in the upcoming academic year (undergraduate & community college applicants)
  • be enrolled or accepted in a program related to engineering at a school with ABET-accredited programs (masters and PhD candidates)
  • plan to attend full-time (exceptions are made for reentry and non-traditional applicants)
  • not be fully funded for tuition, fees and books or equivalent
  • send a transcript in English

Deadline: March 31, 2025, 6 PM

Award Amounts: Range from $1,000-$19,000

Contact Email:

Links to Additional Information: SWEEmergingFirstYearScholarsApp25

Assemblyman Palmesano represents the 132nd District, which includes Schuyler County, Yates County and parts of Chemung County, Seneca County and Steuben County. For more information about Assemblyman Palmesano, Please follow him on Facebook.