Palmesano September ‘Grants Action News’ Update

Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C,I-Corning) is sending his “September Grants Action News Update” to residents, organizations and local governments about a series of grants available from the state, federal government and private entities. Each month, the Assembly provides an updated list of grants for a variety of categories.

“During a time of economic recovery, grants can play an integral part in helping our local communities complete needed infrastructure repairs or support underfunded projects,” said Palmesano. “Many people don’t realize the scope of available opportunities because they aren’t sure where to look. The ‘Grants Action News’ bulletin makes finding these grants much easier by consolidating the information and making it available to everyone. I hope residents, organizations and local governments throughout the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes regions will be able to use this resource to find much-needed support to strengthen communities in our rural area.”

All not-for-profit applicants must now prequalify on the NYS Grants Reform website at in order to apply for certain New York state grant solicitations. Potential not-for-profit applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the process of registering and prequalifying immediately as this is a lengthy process.

The Grants Action News bulletin is updated at the beginning of each month with newly-available grants and information on how to apply.

The update can be accessed here:

State Grants

NYS Department of Health, Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives

The New York state Department of Health’s Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC) initiative supports the development, implementation and coordination of community based strategies to improve perinatal and infant health outcomes. It also aims to eliminate racial, ethnic and economic disparities in health outcomes. Programs that receive funding will work to improve specific perinatal and infant health outcomes that include preterm birth, low birth weight, infant mortality and maternal mortality. PICHC programs will implement both individual and community-level strategies that use a collective impact approach to address perinatal and infant health behaviors and the social determinants which impact those outcomes. Social determinants include socioeconomic status, education, community environment, employment, social support systems and access to health services.

■ Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations including, but not limited to: community-based health and human service agencies; Article 28 health care facilities; and local government entities, such as city and county health departments. Applicants must propose to serve an area with a minimum of 200 Medicaid births and serve at least one Tier 1 county or a single or multiple Tier 2 county(ies).

■ Deadline: Sept. 27, 2021, by 4 p.m. ET

■ Funding: $70 million in total funding, to be divided among approximately 25 projects. Funding will vary based on service area.

■ Contact: Nick Foster Email: Website:

NYS Department of Transportation, Transportation Alternatives Program Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (TAP-CMAQ)

To support the goals of New York’s nation-leading Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, the New York state Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is making available up to $110 million in funding over a two-year period to support bicycle, pedestrian, multi-use path and transportation-related projects and programs. This funding is made available through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and administered by NYSDOT and is provided through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ).

■ Eligibility: Eligible applicants include local governments such as counties, towns, cities and villages; regional transportation authorities; transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies such as the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, local fish and game or wildlife agencies; tribal governments; local or regional governmental transportation or recreational trail entities; and the New York state Department of Transportation (for CMAQ only).

■ Deadline: Sept. 29, 2021, 5 p.m. ET

■ Funding: A total of $110 million is available for award, $62 million in funding under TAP and $48 million in funding under CMAQ.

■ Contact: Doreen Holsopple Email: Website:

Federal Grants

Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program

The Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Grant Program provides grants for emergency repairs and modernization of school facilities to certain local educational agencies (LEAs) that receive Impact Aid formula funds. The Impact Aid Discretionary Construction Program provides grants to eligible Impact Aid school districts to assist in addressing their school facility emergency and modernization needs. The eligible Impact Aid school districts have a limited ability to raise revenues for capital improvements because they have large areas of federal land within their boundaries, making it difficult to respond when their school facilities require emergency repairs. Further, students and the school districts that support them need safe facilities to learn and to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate its impact. Impact Aid emergency repair grants will be used to repair, renovate or alter a public elementary or secondary school facility to ensure the health, safety and well-being of students and school personnel.

■ Eligibility: An LEA is eligible to be considered for an emergency grant under this priority if it is eligible to receive formula construction funds for the fiscal year; has no practical capacity to issue bonds; has minimal capacity to issue bonds and has used at least 75% of its bond limit; or is eligible to receive funds for the fiscal year for heavily impacted districts; and has a school facility emergency that the secretary has determined poses a health or safety hazard to students and school personnel.

■ Funding: $17.4 million

■ Deadline: Sept. 13, 2021

■ Contact: Jacqueline Edwards Phone: 202-260-3858 Email: Website:

Environmental Protection Agency, Sustainable Materials Management Grants

Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over the course of their lifecycles. By examining how materials are used throughout their lifecycle, an SMM approach seeks to use materials in the most productive way while reducing consumption; limit environmental impacts and toxic chemicals; and assure that we have the resources to not only meet the needs of today, but also those of the future. The ways in which we use materials greatly impacts our economic and environmental future, and when we use materials more productively, we can remain economically competitive. The grants should fall within the realm of either Sustainable Food Management (SFM) or sustainable packaging. SFM focuses on reducing food loss and waste and diverting food from the landfill according to the EPA’s Food Waste Reduction Hierarchy, which focuses on waste prevention, followed by donation, industrial applications and composting. SFM projects must focus on source reduction strategies that prevent waste before it is generated. Including food donation and composting as project components is acceptable so long as source reduction is the primary focus of the project. Sustainable packaging projects should focus on developing methods to reduce packaging waste and thereby decrease the quantity of materials directed toward the landfill. Simply increasing recycling rates of packaging waste is not an acceptable focus for this RFA. Fundable projects should strive to create lasting change in the community. Sustainable Materials Management Grants are available for states and communities within EPA Region 2, which includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and eight Indian Nations.

■ Eligibility: States; local, tribal, interstate and intrastate government agencies and instrumentalities; and non-profit organizations that are not 501(c) (4) organizations that lobby, including nonprofit educational institutions and nonprofit hospitals, are eligible for this opportunity. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible.

■ Funding: The total estimated funding expected to be available for all is $150,000, to be disbursed over two years.

■ Deadline: Sept. 13, 2021

■ Contact: Dale Carpenter Phone: 212-637-4110 Email: Website:

Private Grants

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Foundation, Access to Care Grants

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Foundation is committed to supporting community based initiatives that provide ongoing, consistent oral health care, or “Dental Homes,” to children whose families cannot afford dental care. The AAPD defines a Dental Home as the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, inclusive of all aspects of oral health care, which is delivered in a comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated and family centered way. The foundation’s one-year Access to Care Grants support community-based initiatives that provide dental care and serve as a Dental Home to underserved children who would otherwise be unable to access comprehensive dental care.

■ Eligibility: Applicants must be a United States /U.S. Territory applicant/organization that provides care to children in the U.S. or a U.S. Territory. Qualified initiatives must be dentist-led, with priority given to projects with pediatric dentist leadership. Projects led by general practitioners may also apply.

■ Funding: Up to $20,000 per grant

■ Deadline: Oct. 1, 2021, 4:30 p.m. CDT

■ Contact: Email: Phone: 312-337-2169 ex. 39 (between 8:30-4:30 CDT) Website: apply-for-grants

Scholar’s Awards

New York Public Library, 2022-23 Cullman Center Fellowship

The New York Public Library is inviting applications for its 2022-23 Cullman Center Fellowship, offered through the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. Fellowships will be awarded to 15 scholars and writers whose work will benefit directly from access to the research collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. The library is one of the world’s preeminent resources for study in anthropology, art, geography, history, languages and literature, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, religion, sociology, sports and urban studies. Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $75,000, the use of an office with a computer and full access to the library’s physical and electronic resources. Fellows work at the center for the duration of the fellowship term, which runs from September through May, and will give a talk over lunch on their current work-in-progress to other fellows and a wide range of guests; they may also be asked to take part in other programs at the New York Public Library. Candidates for the fellowship will need to work primarily at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building rather than at different library divisions.

■ Eligibility: Scholars and writers – including academics, independent scholars, journalists, creative writers (novelists, playwrights, poets), translators and visual artists – are invited to apply.

■ Funding: $75,000 stipend

■ Deadline: Sept. 24, 2021, 5 p.m. ET

■ Contact: Email: Website: fellowships-institutes/center-for-scholars-and-writers/fellowships-at-the-cullman-center

Princeton Arts Fellowship

Princeton Arts Fellowships, funded in part by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, David E. Kelley Society of Fellows in the Arts and the Maurice R. Greenberg Scholarship Fund, are awarded to artists whose achievements have been recognized as demonstrating extraordinary promise in any area of artistic practice and teaching. Applicants should be early career composers, conductors, musicians, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, poets, novelists, playwrights, designers, directors, performance artists or others who would find it beneficial to spend two years teaching and working in an artistically vibrant university community. Princeton Arts Fellows spend two consecutive academic years (September 1-July 1) at Princeton University and formal teaching is expected. The normal work assignment will be to teach one course each semester subject to approval by the Dean of the Faculty, but fellows may be asked to take on an artistic assignment in lieu of a class, such as directing a play or creating a dance with students. While the teaching load is light, fellows are expected to be full and active members of the Princeton community, committed to frequent and engaged interactions with students during the academic year. To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae, a 500- word statement about how you would hope to use the two years of the fellowship at this moment in your career and how you would contribute to Princeton’s arts community through teaching and/or production, contact information for three references and work samples. You are also encouraged to submit an optional 300-word diversity and inclusion statement as part of your application package. As part of the submitted application materials, we encourage all applicants to describe their experiences with encouraging diversity and inclusion in their artistic practice, teaching and/ or research in the past and present and their ability to make future contributions. Any submitted statement should include their potential for supporting the Lewis Center’s commitment to diversity and to furthering equitable practices within the arts as well as their potential to mentor and educate students from backgrounds underrepresented in the candidate’s artistic field. Applicants can only apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship twice in a lifetime.

■ Eligibility: Applicants do not need to be a U.S. citizen. Fellowships are not intended to fund work leading to an advanced degree, and holders of Ph.D. degrees from Princeton are not eligible to apply.

■ Funding: An $86,000 a year stipend is provided.

■ Deadline: Sept. 14, 2021, 5 p.m. ET

■ Contact: Email: Website: