Seawright Bill to Address Urgent Staffing Crisis for People with Disabilities Passes Both Houses

Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright announced the passage of her legislation in both houses to require reporting by the Commissioner of the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) on staffing and other issues causing the continued displacement of individuals with developmental disabilities from state-operated facilities under its jurisdiction.

"There has been a reduction in staffing at New York State agencies, including OPWDD, that negatively impacts the availability and continuity of services for New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as other vulnerable populations."

"This bill will help to improve quality of care by requiring reports to be provided to the legislature on staffing data and service needs both regionally and statewide. With the passage of this legislation, we take a big step forward, increasing transparency surrounding the closure of facilities and any reduction of services," said Assembly Member Seawright, who chairs the Assembly's People with Disabilities Committee.