Press Releases

Unshackle Upstate Credits Hawley with Perfect Score on 2009-10 Legislative Scorecard

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) was recently issued a perfect score on Unshackle Upstate’s 2009-10 legislative scorecards. Hawley received all 100 possible points based on his voting record on legislation impacting businesses in Upstate...

Hawley Tours Local Businesses

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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) toured local businesses and met with local business leaders earlier this week to discuss ways to improve economic development in Western New York. During the 2010 Legislative Session, economic development...

National Federation of Independent Business Lists Hawley as Most Pro-Business Western New York Assembly Member

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) has been named by the National Federation of Independent Business New York Chapter as the most pro-business Western New York member of the state Assembly. According to the NFIB/New York, over the last 12...

Hawley Announces Patriot Trip III

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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C, I – Batavia) would like to announce his third annual Patriot Trip for veterans to tour Washington, D.C. This special trip is scheduled for September 23 through 26, 2010. “The Patriot Trip is a very special and...

Hawley to Host Constituent Outreach Meeting

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) will be hosting his regular monthly outreach meeting for Genesee County residents on Wednesday, August 18th at the Old Courthouse in Batavia. “This will be an excellent opportunity for Western New Yorkers...

Hawley to Host Town Hall Meetings

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) will be hosting three town hall meetings for Orleans County residents on Saturday, August 14th. “This will be an excellent opportunity for residents to express their concerns and ask questions about...

Letter to the Editor

For the last two years, I have written numerous letters and made several phone calls to the NYS Attorney General’s Office and personally met with a representative of the office concerning the drastic fluctuation in the price of gas from county to county....

Hawley: Two Day Extraordinary Session Fails To Complete Budget

“The Legislature was called into extraordinary session this week to finish the 2010-2011 State Budget, which is now four months late. Sadly, instead of doing the job that voters elected them to do, the Legislative Majorities instead decided to gavel...

What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of From This Year’s Legislative Session?

First, I am proud to have opposed the overspending and overtaxing 2010-2011 State Budget, while continuing to demand the fiscal accountability New York needs. In terms of my personal accomplishments this year, I’m proud to have held 20 Town Hall meetings...

Hawley: Assembly Majority Uses Tax and Borrowing Gimmicks To Finish 2010-2011 State Budget; Senate Majority Goes Home

“After months of delay and behind closed door negotiations, the Assembly Majority finally finished their portion of the 2010-2011 State Budget tonight. Sadly, rather than pass a state budget that would properly close the $9.2 billion budget deficit,...

Let’s Get New York Back to Work!

Hawley: Some Good, More Bad, But Mostly Ugly; Albany Finishes 75% of 2010-2011 State Budget

“After more than two-and-half months, the ‘three men in a room’ today finally came to an agreement on 75% of the 2010-2011 State Budget. The good in today’s budget bills included the beginning of a process to close the $9.2 billion budget gap...

Public Outcry at Outdoor Wood Boiler Hearing Puts Pressure on DEC; Hawley Reminds Residents To Continue Grassroots Effort

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) is reminding residents to continue to attend hearings hosted by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) regarding outdoor wood boilers. Additionally, the assemblyman is reminding residents that they...

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Albany Passes 11th Budget Extender

“After two-and-a-half months, and 11 emergency budget extenders, New Yorkers are still without a state budget. In that time, we’ve seen our schools, local governments, contractors, state parks, and small businesses left in jeopardy as their fates...

Hawley: State Parks Finally Reopen, But Come With Assembly Majority’s Fund Sweeps and Increased Costs on Businesses

“Under the cover of darkness, at 3 a.m. this morning, the Downstate Assembly Majority introduced legislation to reopen our state parks and historic sites after weeks of inaction and the potential closure for the summer season. However, I could not...

Hawley Reminds Western New York Residents of DEC Outdoor Wood Boiler Hearing

In light of DEC Commissioner Pete Grannis’ announcement earlier this week that new restrictions might be placed on outdoor wood boilers, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) today reminded Western New York residents that they should take advantage...

Hawley Hosts Local Government Conference In Albany

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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R-I-C - Batavia) hosted his third Local Government Conference earlier this week in Albany for more than 70 local government officials and representatives from around the 139th Assembly District. The purpose of the 3-day conference...

Hawley to Host Constituent Outreach Meeting

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) will be hosting an outreach meeting for Genesee County residents on Friday, May 21 at the Old Courthouse in Batavia. A representative for State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer also will be in attendance. “This...

Hawley Votes Against Assembly Majority’s Anti-2nd Amendment Legislation

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) yesterday voted against legislation introduced by the Assembly Majority that aims to further impose on the 2nd Amendment Rights of lawful gun owners, and place costly mandates on firearm manufacturers. ...

Hawley To Host Local Government Conference In Albany

Continuing the tradition started by his father, former Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R-I-C – Batavia) will again be hosting a Local Government Conference in Albany on Sunday, May 16 through Tuesday, May 18. The purpose of...