Hawley Votes No on Bad Budget Policy

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has voted against budget bills that raised New Yorkers’ taxes for frivolous social programs that should have not been debated and voted on during the current health crisis. In addition, increased gun control restrictions, shifting of Medicaid policies that leave higher property taxes on our counties, and the banning of Styrofoam packaging all showed that the state budget was not really a budget proposal, but a policy initiative in disguise.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: trying to pass a budget at this time was the wrong approach to begin with,” Hawley said. “The Assembly should have taken steps to pass a Continuing Resolution, which would have allowed the state the ability to function until the health crisis has been dealt with. This budget gives the governor sole authority, instead of duly elected state legislators, to make changes and decisions as he sees fit as the year unfolds. The governor is now running the show, and he gets to spend taxpayer dollars however he wants to. Despite the fact that there was some good in this budget, the bad far outweighed the good. The reduction in library aid and the further damaging of small businesses during this health crisis was deplorable. And if that weren’t enough, the continued coddling of criminals through the terrible Bail Reform initiative still pesters on in our communities. The Legislature is no longer run by the men and women elected by the people, it is run by the governor. Shameful!”