How to Support Healthcare Workers

A Column from the Desk of Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)

The healthcare workers on the front lines are truly the heroes of the day today. Getting out of bed early in the morning, working through the nights, and braving the virus to ensure citizens get the help and support they need during this crisis is nothing short of extraordinary. I, like many of you, have constantly been thinking about ways we can show our gratitude and support to these extraordinary individuals. I have some ideas I wanted to share with you all today.

The simplest thing we can do is follow instructions to make their jobs easier. That is, stay home if possible, practice social distancing, and help to flatten the curve. I’ve seen that this habit is being practiced with seriousness and great regularity, and I want to encourage those who haven’t done so to try to implement it into their daily lives for the time being. The fewer cases these healthcare workers worry about, the better.

Another way to show support is through social media. Even if we can’t say our thanks to these heroes in person, the beauty of the modern world allows us to connect virtually, across entire continents. Find your local hospitals on social media, like that of Medina Memorial, United Memorial and Summit Medical Center, and feel free to leave uplifting messages and videos for the staff who continue to work day-and-night throughout this crisis.

Lastly, continue this habit after the crisis ends. It’s true that with all this free time, many people have the opportunity to give thanks and give back to our healthcare workers. But these heroes continue to work even after health crises like the one we face now are resolved. Being able to show kindness and support to our health officials is a small way we can continue to support them. I will be taking these steps, and I invite you to do the same.