Families First

Utility Consumer Advocate

The Utility Consumer Advocate would help level the playing field between powerful utility providers and New York families to ensure transparency and accountability at a time when New Yorkers pay some of the highest utility rates in the nation. The establishment of a Utility Consumer Advocate would give consumers an active voice and ensure ratepayers are properly represented in regulatory proceedings at both the state and federal level.

The NYS Assembly would create a Utility Consumer Advocate to:
  • Represent the people’s interest in residential utility matters
  • Protect against exorbitant rate increases
  • Increase oversight in how utility rates are set and services are provided

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Consumer Affairs Committee Chair Jeffrey Dinowitz announced yesterday the passage of legislation that would create the New York State Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate (UCA) to represent consumers' utility interests at both the state and federal level and give a voice to residential utility ratepayers (A.180, Dinowitz). "Utility consumers in New York State deserve an independent...
June 11, 2015
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Consumer Affairs Committee Chair Jeffrey Dinowitz and Energy Committee Chair Amy Paulin today announced the Assembly SFY 2015-16 Budget calls for the creation of the State Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate to protect the interests of consumers during residential utility proceedings before the state and federal government. "The combination of the highest utility rates in the nation and the unreasonable...
March 13, 2015
