Press Releases

Walsh: It’s Time to Take Action for Residents in Group Homes

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) signed onto a letter with colleagues from the Assembly Minority Conference to Dr. Kastner, the Commissioner of the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), requesting all data and information...

Walsh Reacts to Assembly One-House Budget

“Despite a substantial amount of money coming to the state from the federal government, the Assembly one-house budget proposes six new taxes and tax increases on New Yorkers. The Majority has blown through the 2% spending cap imposed by the governor,...

Walsh, Legislative Colleagues Introduce Impeachment Resolution

Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) joined members of the Assembly Minority Conference to introduce an impeachment resolution which calls for a simple majority vote in the Assembly of at least 76 votes. If passed, the process would move...

Walsh Calls for Cuomo to Resign

“For the past several weeks allegations, accusations and investigations have been piling up. With no end in sight, it is time for the governor to do what’s best for New Yorkers and step aside. “From implementing a budget that does right by our...

Walsh: We Need Real Action and Accountability

“Since Tuesday, Majority lawmakers have proudly promoted their agreed upon bill (A.5967) that they believe ‘immediately repeals the governor’s expanded emergency powers.’ However, calling this a ‘repeal’ is unquestionably false advertising....

Our Local Roads Are Essential

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured at CHIPS rally with members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences on March 3, 2021 in Albany.
Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) stood with her colleagues from the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to urge for increased state funding for our local transportation infrastructure. In the governor’s proposed 2021-2022 budget,...

Assembly Majority, Stop Stonewalling

“Yesterday, session was cancelled by Assembly leadership to avoid voting on our Conference’s amendment to remove the governor’s emergency powers. Today, we introduced that amendment three separate times, giving the Assembly Majority’s ample opportunity...

Walsh: Assembly Majority Cancel Session

“Assembly Majority decided to cancel session today to avoid voting on an amendment to revoke Gov. Cuomo of his emergency powers – an action that is months overdue and necessary to address ahead of voting on any important bills, including the 2021-2022...

Walsh Responds to Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Gov. Cuomo

“As a second young woman comes forward with sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Cuomo, the need for a formal, independent investigation is clear. The claims by both Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett are disturbing and credible. As a former...

Walsh, Legislative Colleagues Call on Majority Conferences to Take Action

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured in Albany, NY at a press conference with the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences on Monday, Feb. 22 calling for the removal of Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers.
Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) stood with members of the Assembly and Senate Minority Conferences to demand Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers be removed immediately. Walsh, along with Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Assembly...

Walsh: The Cuomo Administration Continues to Unravel

“Every day, the Cuomo administration continues to cover-up, double-down, and refuses to take accountability for its mismanagement of nursing homes during the pandemic.The governor adamantly refuses to apologize for his decisions, including the fateful...

Walsh Reacts to Cuomo Press Conference

“While the fight for answers for thousands of New York families who lost loved ones in nursing homes due to COVID-19 has been ongoing, the pressure has certainly been building over the past several weeks. From the Attorney General’s report to leaked...

Walsh Reacts to Cuomo Administration Admission to Nursing Home Cover Up

“Last night, damning information was leaked and the ugly truth is starting to surface. After months of cover-ups and deflections, it’s clear that the nursing home death toll was stonewalled by the governor and his administration out of fear that it...

Walsh Urges Colleagues to Sign Petition to Subpoena Dr. Zucker

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) today joined members of the Assembly Minority Conference, Voices for Seniors and Gelsey Randazzo Markese in urging Majority colleagues in the Oversight, Health and Aging Committees to sign a petition that...

Walsh Echoes Calls for Action, Accountability and Oversight to Address NYS Nursing Home Crisis

“The pandemic has created so much uncertainty for families and their loved ones who reside in nursing homes and senior living facilities. My heart aches for the families who have experienced loss and confusion during such an unprecedented time,” said...

As Number of Nursing Home Deaths Exposed, Walsh Calls for Restoration of Legislative Authority

“We have collectively been screaming for months for an accurate count of the number of lives lost in nursing homes statewide, and at long last we are now provided with the incredibly damning report and findings of the Attorney General. I commend Attorney...

Walsh: Stop Crushing Opposing Opinions

To watch Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh's (R,C,I-Ballston) debate remarks on the A.10916, click here. Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) and members in the Assembly Minority Conference voted against a redistricting bill (A.1916) which...

Gov. Cuomo Points Blame, Not to Details in 2021-22 Executive Budget Proposal

“I found it very concerning that the governor’s executive budget proposal was more focused on blaming and depending on the federal government, rather than possible solutions that could help us moving forward. “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said...

COVID Recovery Needs to Be Top Priority In 2021

“The governor delivered ‘part one’ of his 2021 State of the State Address this morning, and it came as little surprise that it included more of the same rhetoric that we have heard since he began his daily briefings nearly 10 months ago. “In...

Walsh Ready to Tackle 2021 Legislative Session

Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) pictured with husband, Supreme Court Justice James E. Walsh as she gets sworn in for her third term as assemblywoman.
Today, Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I-Ballston) was sworn in for her third term as assemblywoman for the 112th Assembly District by her husband, Supreme Court Justice James Walsh. For the 2021 Legislative Session, Walsh will be returning as Assistant...