Press Releases

Blankenbush Opposed to Mandatory Masking for Children

***Editor’s Note: for a video on Assemblyman Blankenbush’s remarks, click here Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) is opposed to the governor’s latest directive that will require children as young as two to wear a mask in daycares or...

Statement from Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) on Final Budget Deal For FY 21-22

“The final budget deal just released by Gov. Cuomo is nothing short of shameful. It is a reckless $212 billion wish list. This deal cut between the governor, Senate and Assembly Majorities falls short of what our constituents expect from state government....

Let’s Be Clear: Majority Members Are Not Stripping Governor’s Powers

“Let’s be clear, the Majority proposal to ‘remove’ the governor’s emergency powers is nothing more than a performative stunt. The bill is not a clean bill like the one that was proposed by my Minority Conference colleagues, where we simply called...

Blankenbush On Board With ‘Sign & Subpoena’ Of Dr. Zucker

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) is joining his Minority Conference colleagues, Voices for Seniors and Rochester resident Miss Gelsey Randazzo Markese in calling for the subpoena of New York State Commissioner of Health Dr. Howard Zucker....

Blankenbush: Time to Rein in Governor’s Powers

“Today, I firmly stand behind Senate Minority Leader Robert Ortt and Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay in demanding bipartisan investigations into the governor’s mishandling of nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. This issue should not...

Blankenbush: The Governor’s Ultimate Betrayal

“Today we finally received an accurate report on nursing home deaths and numbers in New York during the pandemic. The report from Attorney General James confirms what many of us hoped not to be true - the governor was involved in a cover-up. The attorney...

Blankenbush Takes Top Post on Insurance Committee

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) was placed on several committees for the upcoming legislative session in Albany, along with being named to Minority Leader Will Barclay’s leadership team as an assistant minority leader. Blankenbush will...

Governor, Stop Withholding Aid

The Division of Budget has yet to disperse $2.9 billion of CARES Act funding received from the federal government to help New York address the costs of the COVID-19 pandemic. New York state received approximately $5.1 billion in Coronavirus Relief Funds...

Blankenbush: Protect Our Struggling Farmers

Today, Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) cosigned on to a letter to Gov. Cuomo requesting that the Farm Laborers Wage Board wait in recommending any changes for New York farmers until growing season data can be accurately compiled. The letter...

Governor, Enough Is Enough

“The Assembly Minority Conference has tried to rein in the governor’s emergency powers but, unfortunately, the Majority has blocked all our efforts to do so. As our governor likes to tout every press conference he holds, our state has successfully...

Give Our High School Seniors a Graduation Ceremony

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River) joined the Assembly Minority Conference in writing a letter to the governor requesting authorization for schools to hold graduation ceremonies for high-school seniors. “Our seniors have faced an unconventional...

State Majority Put Policy Above All

“Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the governor take more control over our state than ever before. Without legislative approval, he has issued more than 30 executive orders and has changed over 260 laws. “The Legislature had an opportunity...

Governor: Let's Move Forward

“As many of you know, the Mohawk Valley and North Country regions were set to begin Phase 2 today. County executives and business leaders were in contact with state officials with the plan to move to the second phase, but at the 11th hour, the governor...

North Country and Mohawk Valley Set to Reopen

On May 13, the governor announced that the North Country, the Mohawk Valley and two other regions are ready to reopen on May 15. These regions will be allowed to begin Phase 1 of the reopening process. “The people of New York have displayed true...

North Country Deserves More Seats at the Table

“I’m honored that we have Dr. Ty Stone representing the North Country on the New York Forward Re-opening Advisory Board, where she will advise the governor on how to restart our state and regional economy. With her on the board, I know our region...

Blankenbush: Consider Upstate New York When Reopening New York

Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R,C,I-Black River), Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski), Sen. Patty Ritchie (R,C,I), Assemblyman Mark Walczyk (R,C,I,Ref-Watertown) and Jefferson, Oswego and St. Lawrence county Board of Legislators Chairs...

Our Struggling Farms Need Assistance Too

“As our economy continues to feel the dire impacts of the coronavirus, in good conscience, I cannot stand idly by as we watch our agricultural industry plummet. Businesses, restaurants and school districts are some of the biggest buyers of dairy...

What Happened to Serving the People Of New York?

“The budget process continues to lack transparency and the ability to serve the struggling families of New York. One-party rule in our state government has led to a budget that favors advancing political agendas over the hardworking, middle-class...

Blankenbush: Continuing To Serve You

“As we face these turbulent times, I want you all to know I’m still actively serving you. Although my office hours have been modified, I am continuing to actively work with all levels of government as we continue to navigate this process. ...

Lives Are At Risk, Stop Playing Games Governor

“As our state is in the middle of a public health crisis, there’s talk that our governor is trying to shove his ridiculous policy ideas, such as legalizing marijuana and banning hydro-fracking, into the state budget,” said Blankenbush....