Press Releases

End of Session, End of a Mess

“With the end of another legislative session we once again see the Majority’s focus on their own pet projects and interests to the detriment of hard working New Yorkers. Instead of passing bills to support our agriculture industry or help our citizens...

Assemblyman David DiPietro To Host Free Red Carpet Movie Screening For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I–East Aurora), in partnership with The Children’s League, BHSC-Buffalo Hearing and Speech Center, DDAWNY- Developmental Disability Alliance of Western New York, The New Angola Theater and SASI-Suburban Adult Services...

DiPietro Kicking Off Read Across Lake Shore Program

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) will be hosting a kick-off event announcing his Read Across Lake Shore Program Saturday, June 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Lake Shore Senior High School. This program seeks to instill the importance of...

Time to Stand for Our Local Teachers

Folks, the finish line is in sight for beating one of the severe oversights limiting our local schools. I have been an outspoken critic of Common Core for years now along with criticizing the governor’s special rules and hoops for our teachers to jump...

School Safety Should Be Our Priority

“It is with a heavy heart that I must once again call for a focus on protecting our children and our schools,” DiPietro said. “My deepest condolences and prayers go out to the victims and families of this most recent shooting. We must take steps...

DiPietro Outraged Over Schneiderman Allegations

“I am deeply distressed over the allegations leveled at Eric Schneiderman.” DiPietro said. “Time and time again we have high-ranking officials, close to the governor, being accused of ethical violations and questionable morals. “We have yet...

Freeing Our Teachers

“I am immensely pleased with the outcome of our vote last week.” DiPietro said. “Having long been outspoken in defense of our teachers this is a welcome change of pace. We shouldn’t be punishing educators or setting up artificial hurdles for them...

DiPietro Commends Elma Library

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Last week, Assemblyman DiPietro visited the Elma Library to deliver a citation in recognition of outstanding community involvement and service. “It was my profound pleasure to award this citation to Thomas Carloni and his staff at the Elma Library,”...

ABC: Albany’s Budget Circus

The passage of this year’s state budget once again mirrors the usual procedure in Albany, cloaked in secrecy with rumors and hearsay dominating the majority of the discussion. However, while there was no talk of true ethics reform in the budget, we...

DiPietro Congratulates Kipp’s Restaurant Owner for Service to the Community

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) recently honored John Kipp, owner of Kipp’s Restaurant on Rt. 16 in South Wales. The assemblyman awarded the certificate in recognition of his service to the community and his embodiment of the values and...

Ironic: Silver Goes Up For Retrial and the Assembly Majority Block Ethics Bill

“It’s a tired old trope in Albany that the cry for ethics reform is often ignored.” DiPietro said. “The very day that the Silver retrial starts we have the most comprehensive package of bills to introduce real ethics reform in the Assembly blocked...

Victory: Western New York Children's Psychiatric Center to Remain Open!

“We did it! Our voices were finally heard after months of writing letters and getting petition signatures and the will of the people was made clear. I was overjoyed to hear that the governor decided to keep the center open so our children can receive...

New Budget Equals New Taxes

“With the release of the Assembly Majority One-House Budget proposal this legislative year, we once again see New York City Majority members priority of brand new taxes to the number of $1.9 billion, another round of new taxes on businesses, wasteful...

Governor’s Friend Guilty on 3 Federal Corruption Charges

“There we have it; the man who Gov. Cuomo once called a brother has been found guilty of 2 honest-services-fraud charges and one count of solicitation of bribes. This trial has truly showcased the dishonesty of the people Gov. Cuomo surrounds himself...

Cutting the Burden of Property Taxes

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) has joined forces with his peers in the Assembly Minority Conference to push a plan to restructure New York State’s Medicaid program. The plan’s goal is to provide relief to both individual taxpayers...

DiPietro Hosting SAFE Act and Pistol Recertification Forum

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) will be hosting a Safe Act and Pistol Recertification Forum on Saturday, March 10 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The forum will focus on updating residents on the current fight against the SAFE Act and give information...

Curbing Domestic Violence In New York

Our homes should be places of safety and security, not those of violence and fear. The threat of domestic violence is all too real and we must do all we can to protect women and all victims of abuse. We must ensure the sanctity of the home end of discussion....

Reforming Albany 2018

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) is pleased to announce his support of the rules reforms that were just considered in the Assembly. DiPietro is particularly supportive of a provision, the change limiting committee chair terms to 8 years....

Hearing the Whispers of Corruption and Negligent Spending In Albany

“It’s time for budget committee hearings in Albany and once again we’re seeing the bloat of overspending and the shadow of the governor’s corruption that’s settled over the state. “First of all, we need to disregard the governor’s focus...

Cuomo’s Political Grandstanding Costing State $14 Million

A statement by Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) on the federal government withholding $14 million in highway funding “At last the governor’s constant jabs at the White House and President Trump have come back to bite us all. The federal...