Press Releases

More Money for More Absurdity

“With the hearings to analyze the governor’s economic development ideas we once again have overwhelming evidence of a failed system that both wastes taxpayer money and is ripe for corruption. How much more money does Gov. Cuomo want to throw into...

DiPietro Stands with Domestic Violence Task Force to Find Solutions

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Editor’s Note: Task Force report found here Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) attended a press conference today hosted by the Assembly Minority Task Force on Preventing Domestic Violence. DiPietro stands alongside his peers to address...

DiPietro Comments on First Day of Percoco Trial

“How many times must we talk about ethics reform before our outrage is heard by our peers across the aisle? Time and time again we bring ethics reform to the floor and it’s stamped down. The atmosphere in Albany reeks with corruption and Gov. Cuomo...

Progressivism Equals Pessimism

“This year’s budget proposals mark another move toward the governor’s political ambitions while ignoring the real problems here in New York. The overtone of the proposals was the governor’s political machinations to take free shots at Washington...

DiPietro Appalled By Harris Indictment

“Just last week we heard Gov. Cuomo’s State of the State Address, where barely any whispers about ethics reform were made, and now we have another New York lawmaker indicted on corruption charges. How is it that this atmosphere is so pervasive in...

DiPietro Leading the Charge against Safe Act In 2018

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) has, since the very onset of the SAFE Act in New York, railed against the unconstitutional law. DiPietro has formulated numerous attempts to disarm and fully repeal the SAFE Act, and is continuing his mission...

Focus On New York, Not Washington

With the uproar from Gov. Cuomo’s dog and pony show that was the State of the State finally dying down, we can get back to the real work for this upcoming legislative session with clear goals in mind. We have a $4 billion budget deficit looming this...

Legislative Priorities for 2018 Session

January is a month for gaining a renewed sense of purpose, something we direly need in our state government in this upcoming legislative session. Albany’s downstate leadership is increasingly interfering in New Yorkers’ lives, even dictating how their...

Cuomo’s Economic Proposals Are Pure Voodoo

“While Gov. Cuomo had some good musings during his talk today, it’s still packed full of his usual empty promises and hyper-political grandstanding. Perhaps worst of all is the governor’s patronizing gestures for economic reform, sending more briefcases...

DiPietro Fighting For School Supply Bill

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) and Sen. Patrick Gallivan are pushing a bill that would allow all school districts in New York State to provide basic school supplies to their attending students (A7970-B). Both DiPietro and Gallivan introduced...

Dipietro Named to Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends for 5th Year Running

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) has been named to the New York Farm Bureau’s Circle of Friends for the 5th year in a row, celebrating his work in fighting to give farmers fair representation in the Assembly. “It’s always a great...

DiPietro Encouraging Debate and Political Discussion at Hamburg Middle School

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Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) visited the Hamburg Middle School this week to speak to students about his job at the Assembly and to explain legislative procedure such as how a bill becomes a law. He also engaged in a lively debate with...

Equal Start In School: DiPietro To Hold Press Conference Announcing Bill To Provide Basic School Supplies K-12 To New York Families

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora) alongside Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) are fighting for a bill that provides funding for grades K-12 to provide basic school supplies to all attending students(A7970-B). Pens, paper, flash cards and...

Cuomo Games: More Worthless Spending before Year’s End

“Here we go again with the governor sending garbage trucks full of money across the state to do what? Allegedly to stimulate economic development, but all it has accomplished so far is to spend taxpayer money on programs with zero accountability and...

Pistol Recertification Deadline Fast Approaching

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) reminded pistol permit holders that due to SAFE Act requirements, you must recertify all pistol permits 5 years after the date your license was issued. If your pistol permit was issued before January 15, 2013,...

Cuomo Happy To Keep New York Tax Heavy

“Gov. Cuomo is quick to shift blame to Washington when it’s abundantly clear that our state spending is out of control. New York’s budget is bloated beyond belief and we can’t afford to be the welfare bastion of the country anymore. He may be...

Veto of West Seneca Children’s Psychiatric Center Requires Action

Earlier this year, the state Legislature unanimously passed a bill requiring the New York State Office of Mental Health to continue operating the Western New York Children’s Psychiatric Center in West Seneca as an independent entity (S4630) (A06505)....

Erie County Receives Grant to Fight Opioid Abuse among Women

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is thrilled with the award of a $300,000 federal grant to help prevent the use and misuse of non-prescription opioids by women. Erie County has a serious problem with neonatal abstinence syndrome and this grant...

Help Assemblyman David DiPietro Commemorate Our Hometown Heroes

Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora) is spearheading an initiative to honor and recognize deceased veterans. The Commemorate our Hometown Heroes Bridges and Roads Name Program seeks to memorialize deceased wartime veterans and recognize them for...

Commemorating Our Hometown Heroes

Our veterans, who give so much for us, deserve every ounce of respect and honor we can give them. We can never be thankful enough for their service, and it is with this in mind that I am creating the Commemorate our Hometown Heroes Veterans Bridges and...